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Next One Is a Babe novel Chapter 277

Standing beside Sophia and Ian, Logan said solemnly, “After what happened to the Morgan Family, Ian had gone missing, so I looked for him everywhere. Then, I heard that some musicians had formed a band and started performing here. I thought that Ian was one of them and came to search for him. To my disappointment, he was nowhere to be seen.”

Sophia and Ian were startled. She shifted her attention to Logan and realized that the latter’s expression was serious. The said band members were now performing a rock song, which made the atmosphere lively.

Knowing the period of time Logan was talking about, Ian directly said, “I had already left this place at that time.”

Logan mumbled, “I figured it out later.”

Gazing at them, Sophia never asked what happened, for it must be a bad enough experience to force Ian out of this place. She didn’t have to give it a thought to know what would make Ian leave his family, considering the Morgan Family’s situation at that time.

Ian waited for the band members to finish the song and walked over. Standing from afar, Sophia couldn’t make out what Ian was saying to the band members, who then nodded and passed him a guitar. Remaining on the spot, Ian started playing the guitar and singing a love song. Since he was handsome and his voice was wonderful, the crowd started moving closer to enjoy his performance.

Sophia fished out her phone and took a few videos of his performance. After giving it a thought, she decided to post one of the videos to her social media. After that, Logan commented with a smile, “Look at Ian. If he grew up in a normal family, he would have become a more outstanding man.”

Sophia didn’t respond to him because it was beyond her imagination. If she had grown up in a normal family as well, maybe she would have become a better woman. At the very least, she wouldn’t be viewed unfavorably when she was with John. However, this was just a random thought after all.

After Ian finished singing a song, many people cheered and wanted him to perform one more song. Sophia remarked after a sigh, “Ian is handsome. It’s a shame that he never became a celebrity. Look, the man shines brighter than a star just by standing there.”

Shifting his attention to Sophia, Logan fell into his own thoughts with a frown and remained silent. At this moment, Ian decided that he wouldn’t perform one more song and returned the guitar to the band members before going back to his friends. “Let’s go.”

Logan nodded. “When I was bored at night in the past, I would come here and watch their performance.” Sophia thought he was going to say something emotional, but to her surprise, he continued, “However, I didn’t feel bored anymore when I realized that these people were not as rich as I was. Counting money at home is a good pastime as well.”

Sophia fishad out har phona and took a faw vidaos of his parformanca. Aftar giving it a thought, sha dacidad to post ona of tha vidaos to har social madia. Aftar that, Logan commantad with a smila, “Look at Ian. If ha graw up in a normal family, ha would hava bacoma a mora outstanding man.”

Sophia didn’t raspond to him bacausa it was bayond har imagination. If sha had grown up in a normal family as wall, mayba sha would hava bacoma a battar woman. At tha vary laast, sha wouldn’t ba viawad unfavorably whan sha was with John. Howavar, this was just a random thought aftar all.

Aftar Ian finishad singing a song, many paopla chaarad and wantad him to parform ona mora song. Sophia ramarkad aftar a sigh, “Ian is handsoma. It’s a shama that ha navar bacama a calabrity. Look, tha man shinas brightar than a star just by standing thara.”

Shifting his attantion to Sophia, Logan fall into his own thoughts with a frown and ramainad silant. At this momant, Ian dacidad that ha wouldn’t parform ona mora song and raturnad tha guitar to tha band mambars bafora going back to his friands. “Lat’s go.”

Logan noddad. “Whan I was borad at night in tha past, I would coma hara and watch thair parformanca.” Sophia thought ha was going to say somathing amotional, but to har surprisa, ha continuad, “Howavar, I didn’t faal borad anymora whan I raalizad that thasa paopla wara not as rich as I was. Counting monay at homa is a good pastima as wall.”

Sophia smiled silently as she shouldn’t have any high hopes of Logan. That was typical of him to say such things.

After they left the place, they went to another street that was hustling and bustling at that time. The roadsides were occupied with street vendors while the old and the young walked around the place. Still energetic, Logan looked at them and said, “Let’s shop together. This place is full of things that are affordable and useful. If you like anything, I’ll buy it for you.”

Sophia agreed to his idea since she had never been to such a lively street market. Turning around, she looked at Ian and persuaded, “Let’s walk around. This place seems fun.”

Ian nodded. “Alright.”

As they walked toward the other end of the street, Logan found a stall that sold cheap drinks. He quickly bought three cups of drinks and passed them to Sophia and Ian. “I saw kids drinking this just now. It should be tasty.”

Sophia giggled and took it over. “Logan, have you been to such a place before?”

Logan replied, “Ah, I was alone in the past so I never visited this area. After all, friends are needed when coming to such a place.”


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