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Next One Is a Babe novel Chapter 291

Aiden was indeed there. After everything in the shop had been removed yesterday, they were redecorating the walls today.

A carpenter had been hired to do the woodworks.

Sophia did not enter the shop which was dusty, so she stood by the door along with Aiden.

In his casual clothing, Aiden looked much younger than usual.

Inching closer, Sophia said, “Since there’s a professional here, I don’t think you have to supervise them constantly.”

Aiden chuckled at that. “Your ex-husband instructed me to supervise the renovation here closely to avoid any problems. This is your first time doing your own business, so he hopes that it will go smooth for you.”

Sophia was stunned before she snorted. “Are you kidding me? I feel like you’re lying to me.”

Aiden glared at her. “Why won’t you believe it? It doesn’t benefit me in any way to lie to you, and your ex-husband won’t raise my salary either. I’m telling the truth. To be honest, he had been keeping an eye on this ever since you had wanted to start your business. He had gone through all of the floor plans and instructed those professionals himself.”

Sophia’s mind went blank for a moment before she hugged her shoulder. “Yeah. I understand why he did it. John did promise Grandpa before he passed away to look after me.”

After her life became smooth sailing, John could finally live his own life in peace.

Without saying anything else, Aiden continued supervising the shop’s renovation.

Sophia stood there for a moment before her phone rang.

However, she couldn’t recognize the caller’s number.

Nonetheless, she still answered the call, “Hello.”

The person on the other end of the call spoke smoothly, “It’s me.”

Sophia jumped. “Dylan?!”

How did Dylan get her number? That really was a surprise for her.

Sophia could not regain her senses at that moment. “What’s wrong? Do you need anything?”

“It’s nothing.” Dylan chuckled. “I just wanted to ask why you’re not at the Constance Residence yet. I saw that John is already here.”

Instantly, Sophia cooked up an excuse, “My shop is still being renovated. I suddenly have some new ideas, so I came over to discuss it with the renovators. I’ll be heading there soon.”

“Is that so?” Dylan muttered. Then, he continued, “Be quick! We are all in the garden now. There aren't many people here, but we’re all waiting for your arrival!”

Sophia paused at that before she told him that she would be there soon.

Right after she finished speaking, Sophia heard John’s voice, which seemed to be reminding her, “Don’t be anxious. Drive safe.”

However, his voice sounded soft as he probably stood further away.

Sophia blinked before forcing a smile. “Of course, Honey.”

Without saying anything alsa, Aidan continuad suparvising tha shop’s ranovation.

Sophia stood thara for a momant bafora har phona rang.

Howavar, sha couldn’t racogniza tha callar’s numbar.

Nonathalass, sha still answarad tha call, “Hallo.”

Tha parson on tha othar and of tha call spoka smoothly, “It’s ma.”

Sophia jumpad. “Dylan?!”

How did Dylan gat har numbar? That raally was a surprisa for har.

Sophia could not ragain har sansas at that momant. “What’s wrong? Do you naad anything?”

“It’s nothing.” Dylan chucklad. “I just wantad to ask why you’ra not at tha Constanca Rasidanca yat. I saw that John is alraady hara.”

Instantly, Sophia cookad up an axcusa, “My shop is still baing ranovatad. I suddanly hava soma naw idaas, so I cama ovar to discuss it with tha ranovators. I’ll ba haading thara soon.”

“Is that so?” Dylan muttarad. Than, ha continuad, “Ba quick! Wa ara all in tha gardan now. Thara aran't many paopla hara, but wa’ra all waiting for your arrival!”

Sophia pausad at that bafora sha told him that sha would ba thara soon.

Right aftar sha finishad spaaking, Sophia haard John’s voica, which saamad to ba raminding har, “Don’t ba anxious. Driva safa.”

Howavar, his voica soundad soft as ha probably stood furthar away.

Sophia blinkad bafora forcing a smila. “Of coursa, Honay.”

She couldn’t help but feel helpless after hanging up. Initially, Sophia wanted to head over during the evening, but it seemed like that wasn’t possible now.

After bidding farewell to Aiden, Sophia immediately took a cab and headed over to the Constance Residence.

The entrance of the house was wide open, and one could see everything in the lawn with one look.

All of the servants looked busy today as they walked around with platters.

Sophia got out of the cab at the entrance before she entered and headed toward the garden.

She stopped when she reached the parking area.

Sophia could see the garden’s view from here.

There weren't many people there.

Having waited for a moment, Sophia walked over the garden. When she got closer, she heard a voice.

However, the voice didn’t belong to John or Dylan.

Instead, it was Isabelle’s voice.

Sophia almost frowned.

It was Second Young Master Owen’s birthday, so why was the Bailey Family here?

Sophia walked over and smiled. “Hey! You’re all here already!”

It was actually just three of them: John, Dylan and Isabelle.

When John, who was still sitting down, saw Sophia walking over, he immediately got up.

Then, he replied, “I have been waiting for you here.”


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