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Next One Is a Babe novel Chapter 607

John then laughed. Subsequently, he looked at Sophia. “Slow down. There’s still plenty left. Don’t you find it hot?” After saying that, he poured some juice for her. “Have some juice. Why are you eating so quickly?”

Taking it from him, Sophia guzzled it down in one go, cracking John up. “You seem vastly different now.”

Without even lifting her head, Sophia shot back, “You’re also different now.”

Putting down his cutlery, John took a piece of tissue and wiped the corner of Sophia’s mouth. “Do you like me better back then or now?”

This is obviously a trap! I’m not that easily duped. Sophia snorted. “I don’t like you no matter what.”

Guffawing, John lifted a hand and stroked her head. “Why must you be so quick to react?”

Robin sucked in a breath, her appetite all but gone. So, she put down her cutlery and took a sip of juice.

Surprise inundated Sophia. “Why aren’t you eating? You’ve only eaten a few bites. Are you still on a diet?”

The corners of Robin’s mouth quirked up. “Nope. There’s no point going on a diet. I think my figure now is good enough.”

“Exactly!” Sophia seconded. Then, she lowered her head and continued eating.

Logan began yakking about the situation with the Morgan Family again, very much enthusiastic in tripping them up.

Nonetheless, Sophia didn’t pay him any mind, merely wrapping up her meal before taking a piece of tissue and wiping her mouth. “You guys continue. I’m done eating.” After she’d said that, she stood up and toddled out of the dining room.

She stood at the living room entrance for a while. Inhaling deeply several times, she then hurried upstairs. When she’d gone into her room, she rushed to the bathroom and barfed right away. Thereafter, she hastily rinsed her mouth and washed her face before going downstairs again.

Having left the dining room, Robin stared at Sophia who was on the staircase. “What’s wrong? You look rather pale.”

Sophia hesitated for a moment before replying, “I just ate too much, so I’m feeling stuffed now.”

She then went to the courtyard with Robin. There were rattan chairs there, so they both sat down. Then, Robin looked at Sophia. “It feels as though you’re planning to reconcile with John now.”

Sophia chuckled. “Why would you say so?”

Robin pondered for a moment. “It’s just the look in your eyes when you gaze at him. It feels like you’re not all that averse to him. And the interaction between you two feels as though you’re on the verge of reconciliation.” After saying that, she then commented, “Thus, I just can’t figure out why the two of you got divorced. Do you not like him?”

A hint of chagrin swamped Sophia. John’s full-fledged acting now makes everyone assume that the reason for our divorce lies with me, but all these people have no idea how despicable he was in the past. Back then, he asked me for a divorce before Old Mr. Constance had even been dead for 100 days. He never once considered me or put himself in my shoes!

She pursed her lips. “That’s not it. The reason we divorced was actually simple yet complex. I don’t quite know how to explain it either.” Simply put, they divorced because John didn’t love her. Going further in complexity, it’d then involve the friendship between Old Mr. Constance and her grandfather. Irritation assailed her at the thought of digging up all those messy matters again. Never mind, just forget about it! It’s all in the past, so there’s no need to keep bringing it up! Thus, she waved a dismissive hand. “Let’s not talk about this anymore. It just infuriates me.”

Looking at Robin, Sophia then remarked, “You ate very little just now. Why is that so? Did you not have any appetite?”

Her expression was stained with concern, so Robin smiled. “I wasn’t really hungry, so I didn’t eat much. Perhaps my stomach has shrunk since I’ve been eating less due to my diet recently.”


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