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Next One Is a Babe novel Chapter 627

After staring at Sophia for a while, Walter’s eyes reddened. “Sophia, are you not willing to forgive me?”

With a nod, Sophia replied, “Yeah, I won’t forgive you.”

Her curt reply left Walter speechless. No longer intent on wasting her breath, Sophia dismissed him with a wave of her hand. “You should leave now. I don’t want to see you.” After that, she brushed past him to enter the house.

Walter let out a cry while intending to follow her, only to be blocked by John. “Please leave. You’re not welcome here.”

With a frown on his face, Walter stared at John, but he couldn’t muster up the courage to say anything. However, he did shout at Sophia from outside the house, “Sophia, I missed you dearly throughout the years, so please don’t be angry at me! I was forced to leave due to my circumstances!”

The villagers merely spat at him while chiding him.

“He’s such a heartless b*stard for pulling that sh*t on her. If it wasn’t for him running away with his wife, his father wouldn’t have died that early on. It’s a pity that the old man never got to enjoy his life.”

“That’s so true. Throughout the years, seeing him go through all of the hardships alone was heartbreaking. The sight of the old man and his granddaughter living in a house that had a leaking roof was just… I should stop here. It’s making me uncomfortable.”

While the villagers were all reprimanding Walter, he waited for a while with a pout on his face before turning to leave the yard behind him. John thanked the villagers on Sophia’s behalf before following her into the house. Sitting on her bed, Sophia didn’t seem all that happy, but neither did she look sad.

He walked up to stand before her. “It’s alright now. He has left.”

A cold smirk crossed her face while she questioned, “Is that so? I’m willing to bet that he will be back.”

John said nothing, as he thought so too. Taking a deep breath, Sophia told him, “My mom contacted me recently as well, and what she said was almost identical to what that man told me, so my guess is that they had planned for this.”

The fact that a divorced couple managed to come to an agreement meant that they had a common goal. It wasn’t unlike that time when John and her agreed on what to tell the public. Meanwhile, the only reason that Walter and his wife needed to do so must be because of Sophia. However, they would have never needed to jump through hoops if all they wanted was simply to reconcile with her, so Sophia said with certainty, “They must be after the money.”

Although she wasn’t certain how aware they were of her circumstances, they probably knew who John was. Sophia wasn’t certain if they knew of John and her divorce. Regardless of Sophia’s marital status, they could still take advantage of Sophia, as the fact that she married rich meant that she must have received a fair amount of alimony during her divorce.

John could imagine such a scenario with ease, so he heaved a sigh before saying, “You should come home with me. I will have someone handle this as soon as we return.”

The situation was giving Sophia a headache, as she was planning on staying in the village for some more time. Now that the man had come after her, it meant that she would soon have a lot to deal with. In the meantime, John was staring at Sophia. “I can’t stay here for too long, but I will be worried if I leave you alone here. Even if I send someone to look after you, I still worry that they might not be doing a good job. Besides, in the occasion that your father ever returns—”

“He is not my father,” Sophia shot back rather pointedly.

“Alright, allow me to rephrase that. If Mr. Gwendolyn ever comes back, and if he starts a fight with you, he might very well get aggressive. Judging from his reaction earlier, I don’t think he is a very sensible man.”


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