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Next One Is a Babe novel Chapter 663

Sitting next to the bed, Matilda gave it a thought before saying, “I don’t get it. Why are you still so stubborn despite the fact that you already have his child? Wouldn’t it be great if you tell John about this, and the both of you could raise this child properly after you remarry each other?”

Sophia lay on her side in a fetal position and closed her eyes. “Would you do that if you’re in my shoes?”

Dumbfounded, Matilda knew that she wouldn’t do that, and she might be even more stubborn than Sophia. Taking the situation with William now for example, she desperately wanted to reconcile with him, but she was too proud to do so. Still, she kept hoping that he would come running to coax her like he always did before, and clarify his relationship with Yolanda.

Both William and Yolanda were the thorns pricking at her heart this whole time. But it seems that Sophia and John’s situation is more terrible than mine.

Although she wasn’t completely sure, she knew that John didn’t like Sophia before. From the way he behaved, it all showed that he never took her to heart.

Moreover, shortly after the passing of Old Mr. Constance when Sophia lost her only backup in the family, John had immediately brought up the divorce, proving that he didn’t care about her feelings at all. Hence, it was understandable that Sophia was now upset and couldn’t decide what to do with John.

If this happened to her in her younger years when she was still proud and stubborn, she would have packed her bags and left. With money in her hand, she could easily raise a child by herself.

Feeling a little tired, Sophia said, “Go and have your meal downstairs. I’m resting for a while.”

After a short pause, Matilda finally said, “Okay, just let us know when you’re hungry.” Seeing that Sophia didn’t reply, she then got up and left the room.

Meanwhile, John was waiting by the staircase the whole time. The moment he saw her coming downstairs, he asked anxiously, “She’s still feeling unwell?”

“Huh? Oh yeah, she’s still unwell.”

John nodded. “I remember we have some antacid at home. I’ll bring some to her now, and maybe she’ll feel better after taking it.”

Matilda paused before answering hurriedly, “No, no, no. No need for the antacid. She doesn’t need to take it.”

Standing on the same spot without moving an inch, John stared at her and thought that she seemed a little more worked up than needed.

Blinking a couple of times, Matilda regained her composure and explained, “She’s already asleep, so she can’t take the medication now. It takes time to treat gastric problems. Taking medications only relieves the symptoms but doesn’t cure it from the root cause. Plus, there are always some side effects from medications. Let’s try to treat it from the root cause the best we can.”

Licking his lips, John said instead, “I’m going to take a look at her.”

Matilda hesitated before moving away from his path. “Don’t wake her up. She just fell asleep.”

As he slipped past her, he pointed out, “You’re nicer to her now.”

Out of reflex, she twisted her head at him, but he went upstairs slowly without looking at her.

It was true that Sophia, who was in bed, had fallen asleep. Earlier, she had exhausted herself from throwing up, and pregnant women tended to be sleepy easily. Thus, she really fell asleep in a daze after laying down for a while.

However, she couldn't stay asleep for long before she woke up again. When she opened her eyes, she saw John standing by the window with his head lowered as he stared at something on his cell phone, holding a cigarette between his fingers with his other hand.

Sitting up, she called out to him, “John.”

Startled, John immediately put out the cigarette in his hand without even turning to look at her and kept away his cell phone. After taking a few deep breaths, he finally turned to her. “You’re awake.”

“What’s up with you?” Sophia asked, staring at him. His eyes were a little reddened, and she could feel something off about him.

Coughing lightly, he explained, “I’m fine. I took the last drag too strong and choked myself.”

Sophia didn’t think much about it and slowly got out of bed, but her mind was still in a blur, and she swayed when her feet touched the ground.

In contrast, John moved at lightning speed and dashed over in a blink of an eye to catch her. “Be careful.”


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