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Next One Is a Babe novel Chapter 672

John merely nodded silently. On his part, he had already run a search on this number, but there was something obviously amiss with the name registered on this number.

The account information of the number was registered to an old man full of white hair living in a village. He wasn’t educated and couldn’t even read. There was no way he would believe that a person like this was involved in Sophia’s accident.

Hence, there was only one possibility—the ID used to register this number belonged to another person, or that this number was bought from a different person.

Well, of course, no one would use their real identity to do something so despicable.

John gave the man a hard stare for a long time. Probably due to his lack of rest, the man seemed a little pale and tired. Under such circumstances, it was highly unlikely that he would lie about anything. Standing up, John paced outside and his subordinates looked at him expectantly. To that, John merely waved his hand, gesturing for them to release the man.

The man walked out of the warehouse by himself without the help of anyone. When he brushed past John, he stopped in his tracks and uttered, “It seems like that person has a nickname, Old Leopard. I’m not too sure, but you can check up on it.”

Later, when John returned to Sophia, she was still asleep and appeared unaware of his short disappearance. Feeling a little chilly, he sat on the bed. After a while, he couldn’t hold it anymore and rubbed his hands together before slowly reaching it out to stroke her belly.

It’s so weird that there’s actually a baby in there who will look like me and Sophia. It will gradually grow and arrive into this world to call me daddy when the kid reaches maturity, he thought in awe. Human reproduction is such an amazing and beautiful process!

He waited before changing into his pajamas again and slipped back into bed. However, he was a little restless. Even though he already sent his men to investigate this person called ‘Old Leopard’, he wasn’t sure how many people out there would share the same nickname. As he lay in bed, many things flickered through his mind; he thought about his past with Sophia and also about the future.

He didn’t know when he fell asleep, but he suddenly woke up with a start. Still in bed, Sophia was now in his arms, clinging onto him like an octopus.

Trying his best to avoid her belly, he moved carefully as she had her legs and arms on him. After finding herself a comfortable position, she continued her slumber. Chuckling softly, he straightened her posture and inched in closer to her before falling asleep again.

The next day, Ms. Cannon was the first to wake up and started breakfast preparation. Next, it was Matilda who woke up. As he didn’t rest well the night before, he didn’t get out of bed even though he heard the noises. Furthermore, it was a Saturday, a day where he could get proper rest. Holding Sophia, he returned to dreamland.

All the while, Matilda left them alone, so he slept until late in the morning, when he really couldn’t stay in bed any longer. Cautiously, he peeled Sophia away from himself and got out of bed. While she was still fast asleep, he stopped and stared at her from the bathroom door.

All the while, Matilda left them alone, so he slept until late in the morning, when he really couldn’t stay in bed any longer. Cautiously, he peeled Sophia away from himself and got out of bed. While she was still fast asleep, he stopped and stared at her from the bathroom door.

Indeed, pregnant women act like pigs—they eat and sleep very well. But that’s not bad, he thought. Sophia was skinny and weak to begin with, so it’s a good opportunity for her to nourish her body now.

After washing up, he went downstairs and found Matilda in the garden staring around happily with a cup of tea in her hands. Coming up next to her, he said, “Thanks for last night.”

Matilda grinned. “That’s all I can help you with and you’ll have to do your best after this. From the looks of it, I don’t think Sophia will remarry you yet, so you still have a long way to go from here.”

“We even have a child now,” he said with a frown. “And she’s still reluctant to remarry me?”


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