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Next One Is a Babe novel Chapter 702

Matilda tittered. “My temperament was different back then. I was very competitive, so I had to be the victor in everything.” But on second thought, it was quite tiring back then. Despite everyone tolerating me and bowing to me, I actually wasn’t happy.

Sophia came out when she was done washing up and sat down at the side. Then, she started eating. The thing with her appetite was that it came and went at random times; she initially thought that she wouldn’t be able to stomach much, but she was then inhaling the food before she’d realized it.

Upon seeing her stuffing her face, Matilda chortled. “The little fellow in your stomach will definitely be round and chubby in the future.” After saying that, she kept an eye on Sophia’s expression as she asked, “Are you really not planning to remarry John?”

“No. No way,” Sophia declared resolutely. “That’s not in my plans.” When she’d said that, she turned her gaze on Matilda. “Hey, what would you do if John’s father asks you for a remarriage?”

Matilda burst into laughter. “Stop messing with me. His father will never do that. He has finally escaped my clutches, so how could he possibly turn around and jump back into hell?”

Failing to keep the lid on her amusement, Sophia dissolved into giggles. “You’re quite clear of where you stand.”

Matilda laughed as well, but she then changed the subject. “How about going shopping after you’re done eating and washing up? A lot of malls are having sales recently, so things seem to be quite a steal. I’m thinking of going on a shopping spree.”

Humming thoughtfully, Sophia turned and gazed out the window. “It should be fine since it’s broad daylight now. Let’s go in a while, then.”

At her prompt agreement, Matilda hurried back to her room and changed. Sophia got ready as well before leaving the house with her.

The nearby shopping mall was having a promotion lately, so they went there to shop and ended up buying quite a lot of things. Sophia couldn’t carry heavy stuff, so Matilda carried the bags. Not daring to take the escalator, they headed straight for the elevator. The elevator was enclosed with transparent glass, so one could look out while standing inside.

As Sophia stood in the elevator, the elevator doors closed. However, before it started its descent, she caught sight of a man standing outside. The man was wearing a baseball cap with a cell phone in his hand, snapping away at her. While he tried his best to be surreptitious as he did so, she still saw his action clearly. When he was done taking her photos, he dipped his head. He’s probably checking them before sending them to someone, she thought. The elevator then slowly made its descent, but she kept her eyes on the man until he disappeared from sight. Then, she let out a breath, her heart having once again leaped to her throat.

Matilda, on the other hand, didn’t notice anything amiss. After stepping out of the elevator, she still darted her gaze around, checking whether there was anything else to buy.

Matilda, on the other hand, didn’t notice anything amiss. After stepping out of the elevator, she still darted her gaze around, checking whether there was anything else to buy.

Looking at her, Sophia lowered her voice as she said, “Let’s find a place and have a seat first. I feel as though something’s off.”

Taken aback, Matilda gaped at her. “Something’s off?”

Sophia wasn’t quite certain, but still, she nodded. “I can’t tell for sure yet. Let’s find a place and settle down first. I’ll make a call.”

Considering her delicate situation now and the fact that she’d been targeted once, Matilda didn’t dare take any risks, so she hurriedly acquiesced.

The two of them then entered a dessert shop in the mall, and Matilda glanced out over her shoulder. “Do we have a tail?”

Sophia didn’t answer her. Instead, she took out her cell phone. She didn’t call John since he was at work, and she couldn’t say for certain that her suspicion was accurate since she was the one who clocked it. If he were to learn about it, he’d probably be worried and panicked, so she called Logan.

Logan picked up in no time, sounding cheerful. “Are you missing me, Sophia?”

Sophia murmured an assent before saying, “Yup. Would you like to come over? Madam Flintstone and I are outside. Why don’t you join us?”


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