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Next One Is a Babe novel Chapter 705

Crouching down, Logan tried to go through the man’s pockets. The man seemed frightened as he kept on squirming, but he couldn’t break free from the combined weight of Logan and his driver. Upon noticing the man being uncooperative, Logan whacked him on the back of his head before warning him, “I will twist your arm off if you won’t settle down.”

As soon as Logan said so, the driver twisted the man’s arm even harder, which made him cry out in pain before he ceased struggling altogether. Meanwhile, Logan got his phone and unlocked it by pressing the man’s finger on the device. Standing up, he went through the phone’s contents, only to find that except for the photo albums, it was mostly empty. The newest batch of photos showed Sophia hanging out with Matilda, taken when they were buying things, taking the lift, and even when they were walking around while chatting.

Logan sniggered when he saw the photos. “Come on. Why don’t you tell me what these are?” He crouched down to show the photos to the man, which caused the latter to fall into silence. Chuckling, Logan mocked, “Okay, I suppose I’ll have to teach you a lesson before you will open up. Mark, take him with us.”

Mark seemed to be a well-trained fighter, as he was able to pick the man up without breaking a sweat. In the meantime, relief washed over Sophia. She spoke after Mark chucked the man into Logan’s car. “He must have a lot of information, so you’ll have to interrogate him thoroughly.”

Grunting, Logan led them back into the mall. He then made a call to have another driver wait on them at the plaza in front of the mall, as he didn’t feel safe sending Sophia back on a cab. When they were waiting for the driver, Logan gave John a call to fill him in on what happened. Taken aback by what he heard, John quickly asked where Sophia was. Logan turned to glance at Sophia before handing his phone over to her. “Here you go. John would like to speak to you.”

It wasn’t until a while later that Sophia took the phone from him. Even then, she had a pointed attitude when she spoke to John. “What’s the matter?”

However, John blurted out a string of words while ignoring her attitude altogether. “Are you hurt? Do you feel pain in any part of your body? Did the man get near you? Stay close to Logan, and never leave the house alone ever again! Since it’s unsafe outside, I will have someone watch over you around the clock. If you need to leave the house, make sure you have someone else other than my mother, as you will have a hard time handling things on your own if anything goes wrong.”

Sophia’s patience was wearing thin. “Alright, you can nag me all you want when I get back. I will be hanging up if you have nothing important to say.”

Sophia’s patience was wearing thin. “Alright, you can nag me all you want when I get back. I will be hanging up if you have nothing important to say.”

Heaving a sigh, John slowed down before continuing, “Sophia, please be more understanding. Don’t you know how much of a fright the incident gave me? My heart almost leaped out of my throat.”

Pulling her lips into a thin line, Sophia replied after a long pause, “I get what you mean, but telling me all of this over the phone doesn’t help. I am already exhausted as things stand, so wait until I get home before you talk to me about anything.”

After that, she handed the phone back to Logan, who was trying to stifle a laugh as he realized that Sophia was now the one in charge. Judging from how she spoke to John, she sure seemed to have power over him.

Taking his phone from her, Logan listened on while John gave him some instructions as Sophia wouldn’t listen to him. Logan grunted in the affirmative before telling John, “Don’t fret. I will be escorting them back to the house right away. Nothing will go wrong.”

Upon hearing John express his gratitude, Logan smiled in silence. After he hung up, Sophia muttered under her breath, “He’s so long-winded.”


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