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Next One Is a Babe novel Chapter 708

Continuing the conversation, John said, “After this show, Lorraine should probably be able to launch a group of idol stars.”

Naturally, Logan linked the topic to Ian. “Yeah, I mentioned the same to her the last time we spoke. She told me that an agency already approached Ian, but she doesn’t want to sign up any artist for herself. Otherwise, she would have kept this group of people in her hands.” Chuckling, he continued, “I even specifically told her to keep a look out for a reliable agency for Ian.”

“Yeah, it’s such a shame that Lorraine didn’t sign up any artist for herself,” John agreed.

He nodded. “If Ian is in my sister’s hands, he’ll actually have better developments, but she thinks it’s too much of a hassle. Even though investments in artists have high returns, there are too many troublesome details to take care of in between which she doesn’t want to deal with.”

“Yeah, that’s true.”

After speaking, he glanced at Sophia and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that she seemed to have missed their conversation and was eating happily.

As she didn’t speak a word while eating, she finished earlier than anyone else. After placing down her cutlery, she announced, “I’m full.” And she went out of the dining room.

Looking at Sophia, Matilda spoke in a relieved tone. “Sophia is eating well. That will help the baby to develop healthily.”

Stunned, Logan stared at her and repeated, “Baby?”

“Doesn’t he know?” she asked John, confused.

John grinned. “I told him the other day, but he probably didn’t hear it clearly because he was drunk.”

At first, Logan blinked blankly, then his brows knitted. The other day when they were having dinner, John did mention that he was happy because Sophia was pregnant and he would be a father soon. However, he said that at the end of the gathering when everyone was already tipsy from the alcohol, and Logan didn’t hear anything he said.

After some time, he asked, “So you’re saying that Sophia is pregnant?”

Pursing her lips, Matilda nodded. “Yeah, Sophia is going to be a mother, and John a father soon.”

There was no smile on his face, and he merely blinked in a look of disbelief. “Really? So she’s actually pregnant now.”

Utterly shocked, he never imagined that a person such as Sophia would become a mother. Can she do it? Does she even know how to be a mom? he thought in bewilderment. She’s like a child herself, and she’s actually giving birth to a baby? His expression fell when Ian crossed his mind, and he wondered how he would react to this news. You’ve been gone for too long, Ian. By the time you return, the world is already in chaos.

Plopping herself onto the couch after leaving the dining room, Sophia turned on the TV but couldn’t really focus on the show. She was a little tired and wanted to take a nap, feeling rather lazy, in general. After sitting for a while, she lay down and stared at the TV. Barely a minute had passed when she closed her eyes again.

Plopping herself onto the couch after leaving the dining room, Sophia turned on the TV but couldn’t really focus on the show. She was a little tired and wanted to take a nap, feeling rather lazy, in general. After sitting for a while, she lay down and stared at the TV. Barely a minute had passed when she closed her eyes again.

By the time John and Logan came out of the dining room, she had already drifted off, and John went next to the couch, watching her.

Matilda came over as well, exasperated as she commented, “Why did this child fall asleep here? She should have gone to her bedroom and slept properly if she’s tired.”

Bending down, John carefully picked her up, and she extended her arms to place it around his neck, murmuring softly under her breath, “You’re annoying.”

Tickled, John then peered over at Logan. “I’m bringing her upstairs. Give me a moment.” On his way upstairs, he couldn’t resist and planted a kiss on Sophia.

Although in a daze, she was still a little conscious, and she muttered, “Jerk.”

“Yeah,” he agreed. “I was really a jerk before this.”


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