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Next One Is a Babe novel Chapter 712

At first, John was a little nonchalant, but his face turned solemn as he looked through the pictures, especially when he came to the last one. Pausing, he told her to wait for a moment and left the room.

Knowing exactly what he was going to do, Sophia waited until he was gone before going into the bathroom and saw that he had thrown all the clothes he was wearing earlier into the bin, including his jacket and shirt. After she had seen that, she twirled around and went out.

Standing at the top of the staircase, she watched silently as John compared the angle of the last picture, trying to find out where it was taken.

In the end, he stopped at the side of the door panel and scrutinized the panel carefully. In just a few seconds, he picked something out from between the pattern gaps of the panel.

Sophia had already guessed it as well, actually. She didn’t think that she would have missed it if someone stood that close to her and even took a picture of herself. So, that would only mean that she was being monitored. Despite that, she wasn’t afraid and thought that the other party was rather capable.

Clenching the device in his hand, the look on John’s face turned grim. Even though Husky managed to sneak into the house last time, he was obviously not a proficient person in his job. On the other hand, this person proved to be a bigger threat than him although he or she had only reached their doors.

After staring at the panel for a while, he was now fully awake and saw Sophia when he turned around and lifted his head. As she stood by the handrail with a calm expression, the look on her face made him feel as though his heart was being crushed. It felt a little bitter and uneasy at the same time.

Ascending the staircase slowly, he paced over to her side and stroked her face. “Are you afraid?”

Sophia grinned. “There’s nothing to be afraid of.”

The edges of his lips curled up into a smirk, and he sighed. “Let’s go back to the room.”

When they returned to the bedroom, Sophia naturally crawled back into bed while John sat leaning on the headboard as he texted. Even though the buzzing sound of his phone vibrating wasn’t noisy, it was considered loud compared to the silence she experienced last night. But it was exactly in this environment that she inexplicably fell asleep again peacefully.

After he was done sending his texts, John lowered his gaze and saw her curled up and sleeping soundly beside him. As he stroked her hair like she was a kitten, she must have been sleeping comfortably and wriggled closer to him.

Putting away his cell phone, he lay down as well and pulled her into his embrace. He closed his eyes and felt her belly. There was nothing, really, but he had an ineffable feeling that her belly had gotten bigger. A relieved sigh escaped his lips, and his heart suddenly felt at ease.

And so, the both of them fell asleep until Matilda came knocking on their door.

It was John who woke up first, and he realized that it was time to start the day when he saw the time. Opening the door, he looked at Matilda and whispered, “Let’s wait a little longer. It seems like she didn’t sleep well last night.”

Matilda glanced into the room and nodded. “Alright, then I’ll prepare breakfast and bring it upstairs. Tell her to wash up so she can continue sleeping after eating.”

He nodded after a moment of hesitation. “Okay.”

After Matilda went downstairs, he prepared a damp towel to clean Sophia’s face, and she woke up with half-opened eyes. “Is it time to wake up?”

“Yeah, wake up and brush your teeth. Breakfast will be sent upstairs in a while, and you can go back to bed after eating. But don’t sleep too much in the day, or you won’t be able to sleep again at night.”

Sophia shot him a look and murmured, “You’re such a nag.”

Chuckling, he said, “Yeah, I’m a nag, but only to you.”


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