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One mate and a Rejection novel Chapter 37

PART 1 Chapter 37 — 03

We both nodded and headed for the door.

I tried to walk faster than him,as an attempt to avoid him but that was almost impossible with how fast he walked.

“Emerald,” he spoke up.

But I ignored him and walked even faster.

"Emerald,come on,let me talk.” I replied with silence.

“You're going the wrong way,the elevators are to the right hallway.” I blushed angrily and headed the other way.

“If you're trying to out walk me it won't work,you're like 5 feet tall” "Five feet,six inches actually,” I snapped and kept walking.

“Finallya response.” We tumed a corner and headed for the elevator,” I'm sorry about last night.” “What part of last night?"

I asked.

“When I told you I didn't like you,! didn't mean it like that.” "Really? Because you've been sending me mixed messages for weeks! Why did you kiss me then?"

He shrugged,” Got caught up in the moment?” We walked into the empty elevator and pressed the number one button.

“That's what they all say.” “It's the truth” I turned to face him; How could you kiss me and then go sleep with some— some slut!"

"That's none of your business! I just wanted to apologize for kissing you but you seemed to love it!” “Of course I loved it! What kind of person in their right mind wouldn't have loved it!” He chuckled sarcastically,’ I'm so flattered.” “Why did you kiss me? Give me a real answer.” "I already told you! I got caught up in the moment!” I finally realized what he was doing.

He was trying to come up with as many excuses as possible just so he won't have to admit we're mates.

lalmost forgot that he didn't know that I knew.

The elevator opened and I stepped out,” I'm not stupid Blade,I know the truth.” He ran behind me,a panicked lock crossing his features,’ What do you mean?"

“What do you think I mean?"

I headed into room 23.

Chapter 37 1

Chapter 37 2


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