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One Sided Love novel Chapter 44


I let Alex enter the apartment n said ' Hi..'

He replied ' hi how are you '

' im good but where's Emma you didn't bring her'

I said in disappointment ...Its more than a week where Alex came daily with emma n he let her sleep here n then Alex picked the girls n take them to school ...it was some sort of routine we had adopted

He said ' she is with your father...today He came n wanted to take her for a weekend Mona was missing her...so I can't say no...n I told him about us'

I looked down n said ' n he must be very happy about it...he has tokd me before I won't stay forever with you'

Alex flinched n said ' Actually for the first time I found him to be very worried n when I told that Max pushed Emma not he looked very sad n guilty....he told me that you didn't tell him anything otherwise he would keep you n Aria in his home'

I said with a sad smile ' that was never my home Alex ...I was just a mistake ...so I won't go ever there'

Alex looked sad n said ' I know...I sometimes think that we never truly appreciated n consider you for your love , kindness n your sacrifices made by you for others..'

It was a awkward moment n we both were silent then we heard Aria voice n. Saw her running towards us ' Daddy , Daddy ... you back'

Alex face changes to a big smile n he picked Aria n kissed her n said ' Hi my princess how are you...I missed you so much...n I brought something for you...I hope you will love this' He kissed her forehead n Aria face beamed with happiness

Daily Alex bring something for her...sometimes it's sweets , sometimes butterfly coloring books...n one day he buy an ipad for her.. .that day Alex becomes a best daddy in Aria eyes n when she said that...I saw Alex eyes shines with moisture n happiness...I thought to go home with Alex but still im giving time to them n understand that is not temporary ... 

I said to Alex ' you're spoiling her with all these gifts'

He softly smiled n looked at Aria n said ' I will buy her the world if I can then i will... n she deserves so much more'

My eyes become moist n I know at any moment im going to shred tears so I control myself

I saw Emma was sitting in Alex lap n opening her present n when she saw the doll she stopped n said ' Daddy ...its the same doll Mama n I saw in the toy store n mama say that I will get it in Christmas ....but you got it for me now....daddy you're best n its so pretty doll.. more pretty than the first...'

Alex eyes were guilty n said ' yeah ..you know daddy was very sad n angry with himself that he broke the doll... im so sorry Aria for that but I brought a new one for you ....n I will buy you hundred of dolls you want to have'

Aria said ' really daddy '

I replied 'Aria daddy will buy you a doll in any special occasion not everyday... ok Alex ...now come both of you dinner is ready '

ALex grins n said ' I loved it when you are bossy'

I blushed n said nothing

After dinner Alex was going but Aria stop n said ' no mama..please say daddy stay...I want daddy...Daddy please don't go'

Aria was crying now... she was so attached to Alex in short period of time that all the time she need her daddy

Alex wiped her tears n said ' hi my pretty girl don't cry ...I love you so much but daddy have to go..'

Aria tightly put her hands on his neck n said ' Daddy stay with us n we will sleep together please ...mama please say to daddy'

I said ' Alex If she is saying so much then stay ...'

He said ' if that's ok with you'

I replied ' yup .. She really want you to stay'

I was arranged the bed n let Alex give him his own night shirt which I brought with myself when i left the house...I awkwardly said ' I used to wear this shirt may be I brought it without thinking'

He smiled n said ' well now its coming handy'

Aria n I was laying in sofa cum bed then I saw Alex .. he try to lay on it n I said ' you may not be comfortable but I can't buy bed right now'

He said ' Im good n no need to buy a bed because you're coming home soon'

I looked at Alex how confident he was but its my decision to make and no one...

Aria was in middle n she changed her side n lay her head n Alex chest n said ' It's so cool that we are in same bed...daddy im happy you're here'

Alex laughed n said ' me too princess ...ok tell me what story do you want to listen '

Alex was reading a story book n he was running his hands on Aria head so that she can sleep ...

I said ' Alex she has fall asleep '

Alex looked at Aria sleeping face n tenderly smiled ..he kissed her head n gentle put her in middle n turned to me n soft said ' she is beautiful kate...very beautiful n fun loving kid but im an idiot to ignore her for years ...I mean I was so dense that I didn't appreciate the beautiful gift God has given me in the face of Aria....im so sorry kate I hurt you n Aria beyond anything'

I replied ' Alex I always believed one day YOU will love her n understand her ...I thank god for showing me this day...so whatever is in past stays in past...but im really trying to move forward n make best decision '

He give me a understanding look n said ' I respect that but I have a hope that you will come back home '

I sighs ' I don't know when Alex ...let's sleep we both are tired'


I was knocking at the door for 5 minutes than I saw Aria in her school dress n she opened it...I said ' hi babe... how did you opened the door '

She pointed at the chair ' I climbed on it...it took me some time to open the lock'

I replied ' where is your mama'

Aria said ' Mama is sick...she is vomiting ...she can't even help me to tie the shoes'

Chapter 44: chap44 1


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