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Orphan Alpha novel Chapter 3

Tree branches tore through my hair as I ran, my wolf refusing to come forward. I was in danger. The sound of paws thundered behind me and I pushed myself to run faster. I found myself suddenly in the clearing with nothing to provide cover. Not that it would have helped anyway, the wolf would sniff me out. My only chance was to reach the water. I tripped over a protruding root as I moved towards the stream. Before I could stand, the wolf was flying through the sky at me, shifting into human form as he sliced through the air.

“HANNAH! COME ON, WE’RE GOING TO MISS BREAKFAST.” An irritated voice yelled through the door, waking me from my nightmare.

“I’m coming!” I called back, untangling myself from my sweat filled sheets.

The previous nights encounter had rattled me. My wolf was on edge, angry that I had ran from our mate. I was more concerned that he had wanted to rip our throat out. We were pack-less after all, and that made us a rogue threat. I would have to find Barb after school today and let her know about the incident. I dressed quickly and after brushing my teeth and tossing my hair in a messy bun, I headed to the orphanages cafeteria with my backpack slung across my shoulder.

“Hey Hannah! Saved you a seat.” Called Toby. He had been here longer than me and aged out in a week. We had become close friends during our time here.

I grabbed my breakfast and sat beside him, eating quietly. The nightmare was still replaying in my mind. Part of me wondered if I would have seen my mates human form if I hadn’t been woken up. I listened to Toby rattle on about a job he had found at the local movie theater and his small studio apartment. He couldn’t sign the lease on his own until he was eighteen, but Barb had made arrangements so that he would be able to move in the same day, preventing him from being homeless for a few days.

I was excited for him. It was difficult for orphans to find a place of their own in our area once they aged out. Most of them left the area in search of other relative to help them out. A handful ended up in the local homeless shelter. None of them had the added complication of being a werewolf with Alpha blood though.

The school day flew by in a blur. We were in finals week so there wasn’t much happening other than test and graduation prep. I was exhausted from the run and my nightmare and spent most of the time napping in my classes. I knew the material like the back of my hand so there wasn’t much point in prepping. The counselor had called me to her office to discuss my college applications. She had given me a lecture on wasting my potential by not applying anywhere. I couldn’t exactly tell her that it was dangerous for me to go anywhere since I wasn’t a member of any pack.

I was relieved to get back to the orphanage. Tossing my bag in my room, I went to find Barb. I found her in her office on the phone, a concerned look on her face. She waved me in and signaled for me to sit and be quiet while she wrapped up the conversation. Finally, she sighed and hung up the phone. ‘Alpha Tristan’ displayed on the screen before her phone went to sleep.

“So, you had quite the adventure last night.” She said, folding her fingers together under her chin.

I raised my eyebrow in confusion. There was no way that she already knew I ran into another wolf last night.

“That was Alpha Tristan. He apparently scented a wolf in the woods last night and followed it her.”

“Alpha Tristan?” I stammered.

Chapter 3 1


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