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Perfect Secret Love novel Chapter 423

After he said his piece, Si Ming Li snapped. He raised the teacup next to him and tossed it at Xu Yi.

An ear-piercing "clang" resounded. The teacup fell to the ground and broke into pieces. Xu Yi's forehead was bleeding non-stop.

Liu Ying and Eleven stood there in a daze looking at the evidence, completely dumbfounded.

The previous two accusations were indeed questionable, but Xu Yi secretly contacting the Murderous Blood Gang was an irrefutable fact.

Xu Yi... how is this possible...

At this moment, all the elders gave Xu Yi cold and detached looks.

"Xu Yi, with all this conclusive evidence here, how are you still trying to smooth-talk your way out of this? The ˜mole' who died was obviously killed by you to silence him!"

"Why did you betray the Si family and who's your master behind the scenes? What's your motive?"

"You're truly ungrateful; if it wasn't for the late master, your entire family would've already been killed by your enemies and buried in the deep sea! You actually dared to bite the hand that fed you! You're worse than a beast!"

"I think the entire Xu family has been bribed!"


The blood on Xu Yi's head trickled along his brow bone and dripped into his eyes like tears of blood...

Facing each and every one of their cold faces and dagger-like glares, he slowly lifted his blood-red eyes and said, making sure to enunciate every single word: "I did not betray my master. Every single word I said just now was the truth! My father was with the late master his whole life, and I've been by the master's side since I was little. The entire Xu family is completely loyal to master! Today, if I, Xu Yi, spoke a single lie, I'll go to hell, degenerate into an animal and be barred from reincarnating!"


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