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Perfect Secret Love novel Chapter 439

Ye Wanwan stood by the door. She hesitated for a long time but she was worried that if she delayed any longer, it would impact the effectiveness of the medicine, so she pushed the door open and went in.

Behind Ye Wanwan, the two maids followed behind her as they were worried and peeped through the crack of the door.

The two of them reconsidered it and felt that making Ye Wanwan deliver the medicine didn't seem right. This was their duty after all " how could they simply push it onto Miss Ye?

If Miss Ye had any accidents while delivering the medicine or if something happened, how could they bear this responsibility?

On the huge grey bed, the pale man sat there like a rock, not moving at all.

The wind blew in through the windows, lifting up a corner of his shirt and revealing a section of his thin, bony arms.

In just a short month, he became thinner due to his busy schedule.

Ye Wanwan still had a stomachful of anger at first, but just seeing him face-to-face made her anger deflate like a needle puncturing a balloon.

Because the pungent smell of the Chinese medicine permeated the room, the man's frozen brows furrowed all of a sudden and he turned to the door.

How dare you frown!

This is something that could potentially save your life!

Ye Wanwan walked briskly towards the bedside.

Seeing that the person at the door was Ye Wanwan returning, a hint of surprise flashed in Si Ye Han's unmoving eyes and his gaze followed her until she arrived at his side.

At the door, the two maids watched Ye Wanwan walking towards Si Ye Han. They were so tense that they swallowed hard, making "gu lu" "gu lu" sounds.

9th young master's gaze... is really terrifying...

Ye Wanwan acted like she hadn't noticed Si Ye Han's furrowed brows. She removed the cap of the Chinese medicine she was holding.

Suddenly, a waft of pungent Chinese medicine attacked her nostrils; it was so strong that Ye Wanwan started coughing violently, nearly puking...


Old Sun...

Isn't this a little brutal, huh?

This medicine is too horrifying!

But he has to drink it " this is something that could save him. No matter how bitter it is, he just has to gulp it down and it's over. It's much better than having a sickly body, failing organs and having to go through surgeries to change his organs, right?


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