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Perfect Secret Love novel Chapter 530

He was so close to her that she could smell his breath. His cool, thin lips enveloped hers and she was momentarily shrouded by his cold, raw breath.

All this happened in one second.

When Ye Wanwan realized she was being kissed all of a sudden, she was stunned and her eyes were wide-open with shock.

Her heart started racing uncontrollably.

Si Ye Han's eyes were open too. His forehead lightly touched hers; his warm breath and her ambiguous feelings intertwined while his eyes locked onto hers.

Ye Wanwan was faced with his bottomless eyes and her heart inexplicably started to pound faster and faster as if it wanted to escape from this feeling of almost losing control. She whispered, "Oh... baby... you're... so smart..."

So what if he doesn't have enough EQ? He can use his IQ to offset it, right?

Si Ye Han stared at her for a second without speaking and leaned over once again...

This time, the kiss wasn't just like a dragonfly skimming across the water. Instead, he opened her lips with his tongue and kissed her hard as if he was trying to dominate a territory...

In the front row, Qiao Ke Xin looked at the couple, unaffected by everything and kissing fiercely; she shrugged and didn't think much of it.

As for Han Xian Yu, aside from feeling somewhat awkward when he saw them, a flash of suspicion appeared subtly in his eyes...

With one glance, he found that the man looked quite familiar, similar to Ye Bai's friend he met that one time.


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