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Perfect Secret Love novel Chapter 744

Si Ye Han: [Bad dream?]

Other than that, he couldn't figure out why Ye Wanwan would have such a strange thought.

Ye Wanwan hugged her phone and rolled around on the bed: [Nah, I saw an adorable little boy today but the main point is that the little boy had a similar temperament to you " cold, indifferent, insufferably arrogant and it was as if the phrase ˜stupid humans' was written all over his face, like speaking to other people would decrease his IQ. The two of you are remarkably alike " he's a little devil, so I almost thought you had an illegitimate child...]

Si Ye Han: [Cold, indifferent, insufferably arrogant, devil?]

Ah! I'm dead meat! I accidentally revealed my true thoughts of Si Ye Han...

While describing how similar that little boy was to Si Ye Han, she said he was cold and indifferent " it was equivalent to saying Si Ye Han was like that!

Ye Wanwan quickly tried to save herself: [The point is that the little boy was really beautiful " it was as if he was carved out of jade, akin to the child of the Goddess of Mercy; who had such powerful genes to give birth to such a perfect-looking baby? Unless it's both of our genes combined, I feel like it would be impossible to give birth to such a beautiful little doll~]

Si Ye Han: [You want one?]

Ye Wanwan couldn't help but shiver when she recalled the little boy's small icy-cold face from the video and his forbidding aura: [cough Nah, forget it, they're children " only other people's kids are fun to play with. But I don't mind if we just have to take care of them for a couple days~]

If Nameless Nie was serious, she really didn't mind giving it a go.

If it was her own child, she wouldn't be able to tolerate it " this big devil was already a handful for her and if a small one came along, would she ever have a peaceful day...?

Ye Wanwan: [It's so late already. Why aren't you sleeping yet?]

After this period of recuperation, Si Ye Han's sleeping pattern had been becoming more and more regular. Occasionally, even if Ye Wanwan wasn't around, Si Ye Han would still able to sleep well. With proper rest, Si Ye Han's temper was more stable and it had turned into a positive cycle.

Si Ye Han: [Preparing to.]


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