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Please Be Gentle With Me Mr Grant novel Chapter 135

The following day, Blanca stretched as she woke up, her warm, smooth cheek brushing up against the comfort of her pillow.

Suddenly, she remembered something.

The next instant, she sat bolt upright, her blanket falling to her waist. Blinking, she shot a look at the clock on the wall. Good, good, it was only seven thirty…

She’d thought she was about to be late.

Blanca got out of bed, rubbing her eyes, and went groggily over to the bathroom to wash. Setting down her toothpaste and toothbrush, she saw Matthew’s own toothbrush next to the sink… huh, it felt a bit suggestive putting her toothbrush next to his.

Blanca set down her toothbrush happily, then froze when she reached the doorway.

What was she thinking?

What did Matthew’s personal things have to do with her? They were just in an arrangement…

Blanca suppressed her roiling emotions. Mrs. Brown was getting breakfast ready. Seeing Blanca come down from upstairs, she said hurriedly, “Madam, the young master’s gone out for a jog. We can eat later.”

“He’s gone running?” Blanca came downstairs against the railing and looked outside. Not seeing a single thing, she said mindlessly, “Matthew also jogs?” That was just too fine a specimen of a man, wasn’t it?

She’d heard the discussions about Matthew yesterday, saying that he was a rare genius of commerce, becoming CEO at barely twenty years of age. Grasping Oakshire’s economic lifeline in his hands, he was even one of the richest men of the country…

With how busy his work kept him, he still put in the time to work out. No wonder he had a great body.

Blanca stroked her chin. Seeing her in such a state, Mrs. Brown got it. “Missing the young master now that you didn’t see him when you got up, madam?”


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