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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 102

Chapter 102

Back then, Emma was dressed in a red dress. Even her lips were in a shade of bewitching red, and there was decisiveness in her eyes.

Since then, Trevor had been instinctively disgusted by women who wore bright clothes or red lipstick.

He felt that Emma was making him insane!

The main reason was that throughout the three years they had been together, Emma usually wore light and gentle makeup, as well as casual and refreshing outfits.

It was fine if she dressed up all dazzling in front of him.

However, she dumped him a divorce agreement in front of so many people at that time. Besides losing his pride, it also cast a shadow on his heart.

When Zachary felt Trevor‘s glare, he quickly raised his hands in a surrendering position and apologized, “I was wrong. Sorry, I shouldn‘t have mentioned it.”

Only then did Trevor‘s expression soften a little.

With that, the three continued having dinner. Seeing Trevor constantly checking his phone, Zachary asked in confusion, “Is there an urgent matter?”

“What do you mean?” inquired Trevor

Zachary pointed to his phone. “You keep looking at your phone like you have an appointment with someone else.”

Trevor was silent.

Could he tell them that he was waiting for Emma‘s message?

Since he exaggerated tonight, Emma should have felt his anger. Why didn‘t she even bother to text him and ask if he was fine?

Despite keeping his hopes high, there was nothing to be heard from her.

“It‘s nothing.” Facing Zachary‘s question, Trevor could only reply as such. Zachary and Kaleb exchanged glances with each other, but neither of them said anything

After dinner, Trevor drove off first, while Zachary left with Kaleb.

After pondering, Kaleb sighed, “He doesn‘t seem to accept that Emma was indifferent to what happened tonight.”

Obviously, Zachary and Kaleb knew the reason why Trevor frequently checked his phone.

Leaning against the car lazily, Zachary uttered, “He still doesn‘t seem to realize that Emma is serious about treating him as a stranger.”

“He keeps thinking that Emma still cares about him.”

Kaleb spread his hands. “Will he really find out that he‘s into her only when she starts seeing another man?” Zachary said helplessly, “Who knows.”

Kaleb sighed. “That would be too late.”

Perhaps, Emma had behaved too humbly in front of Trevor, giving him the misconception that she would always stay by his side.

Therefore, Trevor was keeping his arrogant attitude up as of now.

He waited patiently for the whole night in vain as Emma did not even send him a text. Only then did he suddenly realize that Emma did not seem to care whether he was angry or not.

That was because she did not care about him anymore, so she was not concerned about his feelings.

Unlike before, his joys and sorrows would easily affect her emotions.

On the other hand, Emma was not only unconcerned whether Trevor was angry, but she was also infuriated because of Trevor‘s rudeness. Initially, her impression of him had changed greatly when he started helping her out by settling her bank statement and helping her drive away Steven and Simon.

Despite that, when he slammed the door and strode out last night, her impression of him turned negative again. Vi

Sure enough, he was not able to change his arrogant and domineering nature no matter what.

On Saturday night, Emma attended the dinner event with Wesley.

The dress she wore was chosen by Susanna. It was a simple yet elegant black dress with a low cut on the back, but it was not too revealing.


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