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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 105

Chapter 105

If it was not for a trace of reasoning, Emma would have splashed the wine in her hand on Trevor‘s face.

Although she did not splash the wine at him, she almost broke the glass.

Facing Trevor‘s displeased gaze, she smirked and replied calmly, “That‘s right. I‘m trying to attract attention. I want everyone to have their eyes on me and invest in my stories as a screenwriter. That way, I could get famous, am I right?”

Since he deemed her as an unscrupulous person, she would gladly admit it.

Anyway, now that she was not his anymore, why bother explaining to him?

When Emma adınitted it uncharacteristically, Trevor pursed his lips in silence.

He frowned and stared at Emma with dark and deep eyes. No one could tell what emotions were behind them.

Just then, Wesley spoke to diffuse the situation, “President Bateson, President Manson, we have some things to scule now. So, we‘ll be going over there.”

After finishing his sentence, he took Emma and left the scene. Emma turned her back decisively without sparing Trevor another glance.

After the two took a few steps, Wesley asked Emma in a low voice, “Are you alright?”

What Trevor said was really mean.

It only made sense for someone with a high status like Trevor to be polite and well spoken. Why did he have to hurt Emma like that?

The only explanation was that he cared too much about her, so he did not filter his words.

Emma offered him a smile and answered, “I‘m fine.”

She was truly fine.

At first, she was annoyed by his words, but she quickly brushed them off.

Wesley sighed, “President Bateson seems to have deliberately targeted you. I don‘t know if it‘s love or hate...”

Emma laughed at herself. “How could it be love? It must be hate and resentment.”

Hc mocked her because he hated her.


Behind them, Zachary look at sip of wine and asked Trevor inexplicably, “Why do you two have to hurt each other like this?” |

It was true that Trevor‘s words hurt Emma, but Emma‘s calm acceptance of not defending herself also hurt him.‘

Since she did not even bother to defend herself, it meant that she didn‘t care about Trevor at all

However, in Zachary‘s view, Trevor descrved to be hurt.

He was the one who started it first with that hurtful speech!

Trevor was obviously amazed by Emma‘s outfit today, so he did not want other men to pay attention to her and drool over her, but what came out were words of disgust.

He was a duplicitous man indeed.

There was a faint trace of annoyance in Trevor‘s eyes, and an indescribable sense of frustration rosc in his heart,

Recently, in front of Emma, everything he did seemed to be wrong. He never once felt this way in thirty–two years of his life.

Zachary raised his hand, patted him on the shoulder, and persuaded him carnestly, “The tables have turned. If you still treat Emma with your usual arrogance, I‘m afraid the relationship between the two of you will only get worse.”

After leaving him with that sentence, Zachary left to broaden his connections.

Trevor raised his head and drank the wine in his glass. Suddenly, he saw Crystal walking toward him.

Crystal hid in the bathroom for a long time and could not get through to Arianna‘s phone, so she had no choice but to come out reluctantly.

She initially wanted to avoid the celebrities she hung out with just now to secretly search for Arianna.

Unexpectedly, they spotted her and were now waving at her to go over.


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