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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 108

Chapter 108

“I just do not get it,” said Adam. “You married Mr. Bateson, a handsome and wealthy man. Why would you get a divorce?”

“He doesn‘t love me.” Emma‘s reply was calm and solemn.

It took her a long time before being able to calmly tell others that Trevor did not love her.

Surprise flashed across Adam‘s eyes. He tcased, “I did not think someone as high and mighty as that man would still fail in something so common.”

When he saw her confusion at his statement, he scornfully tacked on, “I mean, he is disgraceful enough to think the grass is greener on the other side.”

As everyone in their social circle knew, there had always been rumors about the intimacy between Trevor and Crystal.

Just like everyone, Adam had previously thought it must have been because there was something wrong with Trevor‘s wife. However, when he found out Emma was the ex wife, Adam found himself confused at Trevor‘s decision to continue his affair with Crystal.

In his opinion, Emma was a much better woman. “Don‘t say that,” she rebuked with a chuckle. “Everyone has their own preferences.”

It did not matter how perfect she was, Trevor still did not love her. Furthermore, Crystal‘s family was far more powerful than hers.

“You‘re still young, so focus on your career.” After saying what she wanted, she turned to leave.

“Emma,” he called out, unwilling to just let things be.

“I may be young, but I have a mature mind,” he resolutely stated. “I know what I


She was about to reply when she looked up to find Trevor stomping over with an icy aura surrounding him. Seeing that, she frowned.

What did Trevor want now?

When Adam followed the direction of her gaze and spotted Trevor, he instinctively moved to stand in front of her, blocking her from Trevor‘s view. In response, Trevor shot him a cold glare before saying to Emma, “We need to talk.”

Adam‘s first reaction was to ask why, but Emma stopped him.

“Okay,” she said in agreement.

There were plenty of people at the party. Hence, she decided to agree to his suggestion because she did not want to argue with Trevor in public.

Before walking away, she turned to give Adam a placating smile. “Focus on what you need to do.”

Although Adam did not like what was going to happen, he could do nothing since she had already agreed to talk to Trevor.

The two walked out of the hall. Thereafter, Trevor immediately headed toward his car and held the door open for her. After shooting him a look, Emma stepped in. She did not want people to stare, after all.

However, he did not speak of where they were going. After getting into the driver‘s seat, he drove off with a blank look on his face.

After some thought, she called Wesley. “Pardon me, Mr. Zurich, but I have to leave early due to some matters that I need to handle.”

She was attending the party as Wesley‘s companion. It would be rude to disappear without a word. Hence, she had to let him know.

However, just as she said that, she heard a scoff from Trevor as if he was laughing at her for reporting back to Wesley.

Emma ignored his passive–aggressive attitude though, as Wesley worriedly asked, “I heard about it from Adam. Do you need help?”

“I am fine.” Since she replied calmly, he did not push further.

The car soon pulled up at a beach. It was only after Trevor got out of the car that he realized he had selected the wrong spot for their chat.

Even though it was summer, the air at the beach was still quite freezing and Emma was only covered by a formal dress made of thin fabric.

When he saw her wrapping her arms around herself while shivering, he internally berated himself for his decision.


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