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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 117

Chapter 117

The three gathered at the bar that belonged to Zachary. The first thing Zachary did was ask Trevor, “Do you need me to give you some tips?”

Trevor poured himself a glass of wine and asked, “What tips?”

Zachary spread his hands speechlessly. “How to win Emma‘s heart, duh.”

Trevor huffed angrily upon hearing that. “She and Wesley are together! How am I supposed to pursue her? Are you saying that I should be a mistress?”

Raymond, who just had a sip of wine, was so surprised by the word “mistress” that he spat out the wine.

When comparing Trevor‘s image and status to the word “mistress“, Raymond could not help laughing out loud.

“Who said you‘ll be a mistress? You just have to express your feelings first. Besides, you can still get a divorce after getting married, right?” After Zachary said that, he realized he just poured salt over Trevor‘s wounds.

Before it was too late, he quickly tried to save himself. “What I mean is... they might not last long...”

Although he managed to explain himself, the words “you can still get a divorce if you are married” still pierced Trevor‘s heart.

It wasn‘t until this moment that he realized that even if a person got something and took it for granted, took something for granted, they would end up losing it sooner or later.

Noticing Trevor‘s pale face, Zachary quickly urged, “Bottoms up, gentlemen! Let‘s stop talking about all this crap!”

While saying that, he snatched the wine glass away from Trevor and handed him a bottle of freshly squeezed juice.

Although they loved to bicker with each other on usual days, they were aware of how important they meant to each other. Since Trevor‘s gastritis recurred and was recently discharged from the hospital, Zachary did not offer him any alcohol.

Trevor took a sip of some fruit juice and thought it was not thrilling enough.

At this moment, his mood could only be relieved by the burning sensation of alcohol gliding down his throat.

Pushing the juice aside, he reached for the bottle and poured himself a glass.

Raymond, who was beside him, kicked him and warned, “No alcohol for you. If you get sicker, no one will want you anymore.”

Trevor was rendered speechless.

Was he now a character that Emma despised? Was he no longer the aloof person who never took Emma seriously?


Zachary agreed, “Exactly! Are you worthy of Emma‘s meticulous care for you over the years?”

As the two teamed up to persuade him, Trevor gave up.

Zachary and Raymond looked at each other silently, sighing helplessly in their hearts.


At the mention of Emma, Trevor stopped drinking, but he still refused to believe that he cared about her.

How long was he going to put this act up?

After the three of them got together and chatted, they went home, but Trevor was in a state of insomnia all night.

When he thought about Emma and Wesley together, holding hands, doing more intimate things in the future, he sprang up from the bed.

After tossing back and forth several times, the sky turned bright.

He simply got up, changed his clothes, and went out to exercise. He wanted to use jogging as a way to release the excessively turbulent emotions in his mind.

After running, he went home and washed up. Just as he felt a little lighter, Christopher called.

He picked it up and heard Christopher roar at the end, “Get over here right now.”


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