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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 119

Chapter 119

Inside the office at the top of the Bateson Group building,

Cerys was reporting his schedule for the next day to Trevor just before she was going to clock off.

“Tomorrow morning at ten, Wilson Young‘s book launch is happening on the first floor of Gray‘s Bookstore. Our agreed–upon meeting time is nine–thirty.”

“That means you have half an hour to talk to him, sir.”

Wilson‘s novels had always been popular with the masses. Every adaptation of his stories was a major success.

This new book was his first in many years. Trevor had planned on purchasing all the adaptation rights to the story. As a show of his sincerity, he planned on approaching Wilson with a substantial offer.

Trevor nodded to show his acknowledgment. Cerys then continued, “Oh, right. Emma once said she loved his books. Susanna has given her a ticket to the event, so she will be there tomorrow.”

Trevor dazedly stared at her before asking with a frown, “She likes his books?”

He had no idea she liked stories like Wilson‘s. However, he did know that she loved to read.

After all, she would always have a book in hand. Be it on the living room couch, the recliner on the balcony, or by the window in the study, she was constantly reading.

“Yes,” said Cerys. “She even said he was her idol. She had hoped to become a writer as great as he is.”

Trevor fell silent.

Emma was so strange. Other women idolized actors or singers, while she idolized a middle–aged man like Wilson

Thankfully, he was already married. Otherwise, Trevor would come to dislike him.

He looked down and casually asked, “She is back?”

“Yes,” Cerys replied. “I think she is flying in tonight.”

He did not say anything more after grunting in acknowledgment. She then said, “They are not married yet, so she does not need to be by his side all the time.”

The word ‘married‘ made his heart skip a beat.

Just then, she gasped. “Mr. Bateson, do you think they will get married just so Mr. Zurich‘s mother can pass on without any regrets?”

Despite her words, she did not know that Emma and Wesley were only pretending to be a couple so his mother could die without regrets.

She thought Emma had actually fallen in love with Wesley due to his efforts to impress her.

When she recalled the dramatic stories being shown in dramas, Cerys could not help but worry.

Her words were a harsh blow to Trevor‘s heart. For the first time in the 32 years he had lived, he was panicking.

His heart pounded hard as his mind raced. His hands were even trembling.

What she had suggested was not unlikely.

After all, he only married Emma in the past because his grandfather fell ill.

Christopher needed to go through major surgery, which the doctors said he might not survive. They were told to prepare for the worst.

As such, Christopher requested Trevor to get married. Although he was dating Crystal back then, the thought of getting married never crossed his mind.

However, Christopher insisted on seeing him get settled down so that he could die without regrets if the surgery failed.

He gave in to that demand, and so they discussed the idea of marriage with Crystal.


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