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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 124

Arianna had proven that she would stop at nothing to achieve her senseless end. Now, Emma was terrified she might rip off the only piece of clothing that covered her modesty.

“Scared? Thought I was just messing around, did you?” Arianna taunted imperiously, crossing her arm as she registered the fear and panic in Emma‘s eyes.

Emma bit down on her lower lip, completely at a loss.

Arianna wasted no time in raising a hand and beckoning the two men over. “Get over here. Who‘s up first?” She tilted her head to the side and suggested, “You can both

have her at the same time if that‘s what you prefer.” She seemed entirely undisturbed by the idea of this.

Emma had never felt so helpless before. She thought she had succeeded in putting the two men off the idea of assaulting her, but right now, under Arianna‘s taunts and mocking encouragement, they looked ready to get their money‘s worth in action.

Emma was sure that the leering looks on their faces would be burned into the back of her mind forever.

She watched as the blond man came up to her first. He sneered as he reached out a hand, his fingers mere inches away from her chest.

She closed her eyes, tears spilling down her cheeks as she cried, “No,”

Just then, a loud metallic bang filled the air as the door of the abandoned warehouse got kicked down, and several police officers rushed in with their guns held out.

“Don‘t move!”

“Put your hands where I can see ‘em!”

“Get down on your knees and put your hands behind your head!”

The blond man and his friend trembled when they heard the series of aggressive orders from these uniformed officers. They immediately did as they were told and got down on their knees, then put their hands behind their heads as they looked around wildly at the guns pointing their way, no longer concerned with Emina.



Neither of them had expected the police to show up. Arianna had promised them that there would be none and that they could do whatever they want to Emma without getting caught.

Besides, Emma didn‘t have many friends or family, so no one would be wise enough to call the police for her out of concern.

For a moment, no one knew what was going on.

Arianna gaped at the policemen incredulously and demanded, “What the hell do you think you‘re doing?”

The officers paid her no mind, and one of them walked right up to her, pinning her to the ground, then handcuffed her. He was rough with her, and when she was shoved to the ground, the uneven cement scraped the delicate skin of her face, causing her to shriek in pain. “Hey! Let me go right now. You hear me?!”


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