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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 147

Chapter 147Meanwhile, early in the morning, Crystal sauntered into her office at Crystalite Entertainment in heels and delicate makeup. After her assistant brought her coffee in, she stood gracefully by the floor-to-ceiling window with the cup of coffee in her hand and admired the sea view outside.Her newly established company was on the top floor of a building right next to Bateson Group.She had chosen this place because this building towered Bateson Group, and that way, it would look like she could triumph over Bateson Group.What pleased her more was that her father bought the entire floor for her, unlike the other companies who rented the lots here.In the past, she thought she would love being a superstar, for she would be the center of everyone’s attention. But it was only now that she realized being a CEO was the best. It felt even more rewarding than being a celebrity, as she could dictate her employee’s fate and make the final call in every project, which perfectly fulfilled her desire for power.Just then, her phone, which she had left on the desk, rang. Upon seeing Wilson’s name on the screen, she hurriedly put her coffee down and answered the call with a smile.“Good morning, President Young.” Crystal intoned as melodiously as a nightingale.However, she only got Wilson’s cruel announcement in exchange. “I’m sorry, Miss Sanders, but after another round of script trial, we decided to with Winter, the scriptwriter Mr. Bateson recommended.”“What?” Crystal turned grim with incredulity, for she thought she already had this in the bag. But who’d have thought Wilson chose Emma instead?!“Why?” She couldn’t help shrilling, having a hard time accepting such an outcome.“Why? Do you really not know why, Miss Sanders?” Wilson sneered, almost frothing at the mouth. “Do you take me for a fool, or do you take Trevor and Emma for fools? Did you assume I cannot tell two similar scripts apart?”Despite Crystal’s ghastly face, she still put on a faultless front. “Are you accusing us of plagiarism? Do you have proof?”“I already know how you and Hayward hired a hacker to hack into Emma’s laptop and steal her script,” Wilson sneered.Crystal, too, sneered, “President Young, there’s no reason for you to defend Emma. She hadn’t climbed into your bed, had she?”Wilson was livid with rage upon hearing Crystal’s outrageous slander.He only ever loved two women, and he valued his relationships with anyone highly. His relationship with his current wife was even more indisputable. Plus, he never had a single romance scandal in all his years, and now for Crystal to slander him and Emma improperly, he thought her shamelessness was indeed one of a kind.“Nonsense!” Wilson thundered in rage but calmed down in a flash, for for someone his age, he naturally knew what was more important. So, he recounted calmly, “You want proof? Sure, I’ll give you proof. This might come as a shock to you, but the plot I asked you guys to adapt was done by Emma on my computer in my place yesterday. As for the one on her computer, she did it hastily to act as proof of your plagiarism.”Crystal slumped heavily into her chair, deflated after hearing Wilson’s words.How could this be? How did it come to this?So it turned out that Wilson had long sensed something fishy about the scripts. It turned out that she and Joseph had fallen into Wilson and Trevor’s trap! Following that, Wilson formally declared, “Crystal Sanders, your conduct of shadily stealing other people’s work not only has insulted me but also Emma, as well as the entire showbiz. As a member of the Screenwriters Guild, I’m now officially informing you that I will report you and your company to the entire industry and let everyone in showbiz take a good look at your faces!”“No!” Crystal shrieked. “Please, President Young. Please don’t denounce us, I beg you. We’ve learned our lesson. We promise never to do something like this again. I swear we’ll treat our work with gravity and stringency. We’ve only done something like this because we’re desperate to get your adaptation rights.”Crystal kept begging for mercy. Wilson was a big name in the writer and screenwriter world and especially a legend in showbiz. If she and her company were blocklisted, then it would all be over!“You want me to drop it?” Wilson scoffed. “Sure, I can do that. But in return, I want you and Joseph to apologize to Emma earnestly and see if she will forgive you two. Also, I also want to see a handwritten letter of apology from you and Joseph. You can only prove your sincerity that way, can’t you?”“What?!” Crystal gnashed her teeth. “You want me to apologize to Emma in person?”She couldn’t do that. She would never do that! He might as well have asked her to jump off a cliff!All these years, she had always been leagues above that woman. She was more honorable than Emma in every way. How could she possibly apologize subserviently, and even until Emma would forgive her at that?!“Is the request too much to ask, Miss Sanders?” Wilson asked plainly. “It’s only right that you’re punished for your misdeeds. Be it that you’ve stolen Emma’s work, but you even slandered her for plagiarizing. This is the worst thing that could happen to an original creator. Do you think it’s justifiable that you don’t apologize?”At that, Wilson continued, not waiting for Crystal to answer him. “Of course, you can opt not to apologize as well. Just wait for your denunciation.”Wilson planned to end the call after announcing so, but Crystal gnashed her teeth and said, “Alright! I’ll contact Emma and apologize to her in person. I’ll also write a letter of apology.” Crystal enunciated. “Please don’t denounce us!”She had just established Crystalite Entertainment. It couldn’t hit rock bottom right from the start, so she decided to agree to Wilson’s condition first and find a way to resolve this situation later.“Alright.” Wilson was frank. “I’ll give you guys three days then. Three days later, I will personally give Emma a call and see if she’s pleased with your apologies.” With that, he ended the call.Livid, Crystal smashed her phone at the wall, causing her assistant to rush right in upon hearing the violent noise coming from inside her office. “Miss Sanders, what happened?”“Get out!” Crystal thundered.Terrified, the assistant hurriedly closed the door while heading back out.Crystal was going mad. She was going to flip just at the thought of needing to apologize subserviently to Emma.Emma Yates, you motherf*cking b*tch! It’s all thanks to you that I’ve lost everything, even my dignity! Why didn’t Arianna, that dumba*s’ plan work?!She’d like to see if Trevor would still want Emma if he would still shield her if the two guys managed to defile Emma.If something did happen to Emma that day, that woman would’ve lost her chance at Wilson’s script trial, and all the chances would be Crystal and her company’s!


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