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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 159

Chapter 159

After that, Emma told Susanna about it, and she was even more excited than Emma was. She screamed into the phone, “Ah—”“Your charm is really boundless, Emma, getting yourself a famous and prominent godfather after one trip to Kingsford!” Then, she said happily, “Let’s see if Crystal still dares to bully you now. I think she can’t even hold her head high in front of you anymore.”Whether it was family background or fame, Wilson’s was much more noble and prominent than Thomas’. Wilson wasn’t only a big name in the writing and editing industry, but his family background was also so illustrious that they could get anything they wanted. So, Thomas was truly nothing in front of Wilson.However, Emma sighed in distress. When Susanna heard that, she knew immediately what Emma was worried about and told her, “Don’t tell me that you’re not worthy. You see, Mr. and Mrs. Young have seen people from all walks of life throughout the years, but why did they choose you to be their goddaughter? Of course, it’s because they see something good in you.”While grinding her teeth, she continued in anger, “You dummy. You’re really deeply hurt by that sc*mbag, Trevor, making you lose all your confidence.”Then, she spiritedly tried to cheer Emma up, saying, “You’re the kindest, the most gentle, and the most talented girl in this whole world. If you won’t be Mr. Young’s goddaughter, who else can take your place?”Susanna’s words made Emma laugh instantly. She sat up straight and half-jokingly said, “Okay, okay, I get it. I’m the most beautiful person in the world!”Only then was Susanna satisfied. “Yes, yes. That’s the attitude and confidence that you should have.”Trevor was the one to be blamed for causing Emma to lose all her confidence throughout their three years of marriage. Emma was, in fact, the prom queen of the Department of English Language and Literature and the most beautiful and talented girl at Jonestown College. She would have already debuted right away with that face and temperament.“Thank you, Susanna,” Emma thanked her in a soft tone.After Susanna’s comforting words, Emma didn’t feel so much pressure anymore. That was exactly the charm of her personality; she could infect people around her without them knowing.Then, Susanna jokingly said, “There’s no need to thank me. Just don’t forget me when you’ve become successful in the future.”Hearing that, Emma promised, “I’ll write a story just for you, to thank your companion throughout all these years.” Especially the three years of bitter marriage with Trevor. She didn’t know what she would be like if it weren’t for Susanna’s comfort throughout the three years.“Oh my God! Really?” Susanna was on cloud nine. But almost immediately, she indulged herself in sadness right away. “What if it doesn’t end well for Connor and me? How will you write it?”Emma replied lightly, “If you two don’t work out in reality, I can just give you a happy ending in the story. But if you two end well in reality, it’ll make things easier for me, as I’ll just need to write the story according to the facts.” She had this thought for a long time, but she just didn’t get started on it.She had been trapped in her marriage with Trevor for the past few years and had been depressed every day. So, it was obvious she wasn’t in the mood to start writing a love story. And now she was getting busy with two scripts in hand waiting for her. However, she made an oath in her heart that she would definitely start writing when she had the time.Since it was just like yesterday when Susanna dated Connor, she could write the story easily and smoothly. If they crossed paths with each other again in the future, their story would be a good love story, from high school sweethearts to marriage. This kind of story was an ongoing trend in the film industry at the time, so she felt that this story had a high possibility of being adapted into a film. Susanna could be the female lead herself by then, and it would be so natural.Joyously, Susanna said, “I love you so much, Emma! I love you!” If her love story was transcribed into a book, it would be such a lovely thing. It didn’t matter whether the ending was good or bad. It would still be a blessing.That night, Emma had a good sleep. When she woke up the next morning, she wanted to call Wilson to tell him clearly that she wanted to be his goddaughter. But before she made the call, two unexpected guests arrived at her place.It was Jared and Alice. Both of them had disgruntled looks on their faces, and it was especially so for Alice. The first thing she did when Emma opened the door was look away in disdain and act all aloof, not wanting to look at Emma.Noticing that, Emma scoffed in her heart, and she nearly slammed the door to not let Alice in. If it wasn’t for her manners telling her not to be this rude, she would’ve slammed the door already.On the other hand, Jared’s attitude was better. He greeted her with a nod before asking, “Can you let us in? We have something to talk to you about.”So, she turned sideways and let them into the house. It was obvious that they came for the lawsuit she filed against Arianna.The reason she let them in was to see how they were going to deal with this. I wonder if they’ll cover up and abet me, just like how Thomas dealt with Crystal’s wrongdoings?As she turned around to go to the living room after closing the door, her phone started ringing in the nick of time.It was from Trevor. When she picked up the phone, she heard his deep voice saying, “My parents are going to your place. Don’t open the door for them until I get there.”Hearing that, Emma looked at Jared and Alice, who were seated on the couch in her living room, and said calmly, “They’re already here.”Trevor continued, “Don’t say anything to them, then. I’ll be there in five minutes.”After some thought, she replied, “It’s okay. You don’t have to come here. This has nothing to do with you.”Trevor was seemingly hurt by her words. After a moment of silence, he suddenly barked, “How can there be nothing to do with me? I’ve told you that I’m going to get you back and protect you!”He was going to protect her, even if he needed to go against his parents. So, when he heard that his parents were going to meet her, he rushed to her in the first place, as he was afraid that his parents were going to make things difficult for her.However, for Emma, she was still feeling peaceful before he made such claims. But once he said he was going to protect her, she felt the rage inside her rising up.“Don’t you think it’s too late for you to say and do such things, Trevor?” She hung up the phone indifferently without even waiting for an answer.When she was his wife and needed his protection the most, he gave her the cold shoulder. But now that she was another person’s partner and had a strong patron like Wilson, only then did he start to say that he wanted to protect her. Doesn’t he think that it’s quite ironic?Meanwhile, her attitude toward Trevor enraged Alice, who was on the couch. How dare you give my son the cold shoulder and hang up his phone? And how dare you talk to my son so impatiently and rebuke him?At this thought, she couldn’t stand it anymore. Just as she was ready to start criticizing Emma, she was stopped by Jared’s gaze.Jared was fairly rational compared to his wife, as he knew that Emma had nothing to do with the Bateson Family anymore, so they weren’t in a position to criticize her.


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