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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 25

Chapter 25 "What was that, Trevor?" Kaleb glanced at the 100-dollar bill in Trevor’s shirt pocket. He hadthe strong urge to laugh but held back due to the gloomy expression on Trevor's face.

Trevor gritted his teeth and took out the 100-dollar bill.

After that, he pursed his lips and left Kaleb's office without a word.

Kaleb immediately called Zachary to gossip.

"Guess who Trevor brought to my place for a medical examination just now?” Zachary confidently responded with a name.


“How did you know?” Kaleb was astonished.

"Did you know that Emma is back?" Zachary lazily replied, “Yeah, I knew about it.

I also saw her ripping into Trevor so hard that he was speechless.” Kaleb immediately burst out laughingwithout reservation.

Then, he told Zachary about the scene where Emma had forcefully given money to Trevor earlier.

After listening to the story, Zachary gloatingly said, "I'm afraid that’s probably Emma’s general reaction to him in the future.” Kalebwas very puzzled.

“Trevor is being disliked so strongly.

Why is he still in contact with Emma?" Zachary replied, “Trevor believes that Emma is playing hard to get.” Kaleb was silent.

A long while passed before he slowly said, "Why do I get the feeling that Emma seemingly does not want anything to do with him?” Zachary laughed.

"Be more confident and leave out the word 'seemingly." Kaleb asked, “Do you think so too? Then,why didn't you inform Trevor?" Zachary lightly replied, "Do you think he will believe me if I told him? Emma clung to him for so long.

He would never believe that she no longer has any feelings for him.

If I were in his shoes, I wouldn't believe it either.” IL 1 During the three years that Emmaand Trevor were married, everybody knew how hard Emma had worked to facilitate her marriage with Trevor.

Kaleb asked puzzledly, "Why is he doing this? Isn't he about to marry Crystal?” Rumors of Crystal marrying into the Bateson Family had been circulating around recently.


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