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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 29

Chapter 29 At 9 AM the next day, inside the meeting room of Alpha Productions. This was the first official meeting for the historical drama, ‘The LoveStory of Imperial Consort Rose.

It stood to reason that all the important parties ranging from the investors to the director and screenwriters should attend.

That was especially true for the screenwriter.

She was the protagonist of the day.

Her role was to introduce the rough outline of the script and the overall direction of theproject to the bigwigs.

When Trevor arrived with Crystal, Wesley raised his eyebrows at the sight and stood up to welcome them.

In particular, he wanted to welcome Crystal.

His smile was airy, but the meaning behind his words was cutting.

"Miss Sanders, could it be that you are interested in our drama series?” Crystal hugged Trevor’s arm.

Her smile under her delicate makeup was dignified and generous.

“I’m a semi-retired person.

How could I have the chance to be interested? I'm here to accompany Trevor.” She looked around the meeting room whilespeaking, quietly searching for Emma's figure.

Wesley glanced at Crystal and said nothing inore.

Turning around, he showed Trevor and Crystal to their seats.

When Trevor sat down, he surreptitiously glanced down at the watch on his wrist.

The minute hand was almost pointing to the time when the meeting would begin, but acertain screenwriter was nowhere to be seen.

Ten minutes later, the meeting officially began.

However, Emma remained absent, Wesley stood up and apologetically announced to everybody.

“My apologies, everyone.

The screenwriter is unable to come today, so I will be introducing the script to you today.” Trevor’s expression darkened slightly.

Does she take the workplace for the marketplace? How can she skip a meeting just because? His expression was unhappy.

Likewise, other people also expressed their disapproval.

Crystal, who was sitting beside Trevor, spoke up with a lovely smile.


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