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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 34

Chapter 34 accident, but he suddenly realized that the words he uttered just now were very mean. After pondering for a moment, he decidedto call Emma again to apologize and ask whether she was injured.

However, his calls did not go through again.

It was obvious that she was deliberately ignoring his calls.

He subsequently summoned Theo to his office through the internal line and instructed, “Send a driver to the hospitalin the countryside to pick up somebody." "Okay." Theo responded before he followed up with a question.

"Who are we picking up?" Trevor spat out a name with some difficulty.

"Emma." Theo was taken aback, but he accepted the task and prepared to leave.

Just then, Trevor stopped Theo and said, "Actually, forget it.

Go and pick her up yourself." Theo is a trusted subordinate who has a calm and level-headed temperament.

I can Having worked for Trevor for many years, Theo had some understanding of how Trevor’s mind worked.

Therefore, he suggested, “Mr.

Bateson, why don't you go yourself?" Trevor rejected the idea.


You go." The relationship between him and Emma was so tense now.

If he went there himself, it would probably only worsen their relationship even more.

Theo accepted the orders and went off to pick Emma up.

Approximately forty minutes later, a phone call came from him.

His voice sounded rather troubled over the phone.


Bateson, Miss Yates refused to take my car.

On the contrary, President Zurich himself came over and picked Miss Yates up.” || Trevor asked through gritted teeth, “Wesley went to pick her uphimself?" I knew it.

Wesley’s intentions toward Emma are not that simple.

If he only regarded her as an ordinary employee, then there was no reason for an employer like him to personally visitan employee who had gotten into an accident.

Theo answered, “That’s right.

President Zurich was already there when I arrived." He continued, “I made some inquiries.

Miss Yates was not injured.

It seems that she only suffered some scratches on her arm.


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