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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 37

Chapter 37 "Are you that free?" Trevor snapped at Zachary before hanging up the phone. Nevertheless, he had to admit thathis emotions had been thrown into disarray by what Zachary had said.

Thinking about Emma in the same room as the young and handsome Adam caused a wave of irritation to burst from the depths of his heart.

Looking down, he unlocked his phone and glanced at that particular trending topic.

Adam was dressed in a very low-key manner.

Only his back and side profile had been photographed, but his aura had simply stood out too much from the crowd and that was the reasonwhy he had been recognized by his fans who were passing by.

As a result, that building was currently besieged by his fans.

Adam had a bag slung diagonally across his body and carried a large bag of items inhis hands, looking as though he was going to visit somebody.

Trevor recalled that Emma had been in a traffic accident today, so there was no denying that she would need visitors.

Even so, wasn't it inappropriate for Adam to be visiting her so late at night? Besides,she was already twenty-six years old while he was only twenty years old this year.

Wasn't she worried that people might accuse her of robbing the cradle? Not to mention, he was extremely popular at the moment.

Wasn't she worried that his fans might tear her apart if she maintained an ambiguous relationship with him? Aftertaking a deep breath, he calmly made a call to Wesley before he turned around and relurned to the private room.

He looked at Crystal and said, “I’m sorry.

Something came up at work, so I'll be leaving first." “What?!” Crystal was surprised and disappointed.

"But, you haven't even eaten—" "It's fine." He turned around and left after saying that.

Meanwhile, she was so stunned that she froze on the spot and was so aggrieved that shewas about to burst into tears.

Even though Trevor and Emma were divorced, Crystal felt as though her relationship with Trevor had become more estranged over the past year, especially after she repeatedly triedto give herself to him.

When he divorced Emma, there was an instance where he had gotten drunk at a party.

Crystal had taken the opportunity to remove both their clothes under the pretext of taking care of him, but hepushed her away.

Afterward, she attempted to seduce him on numerous other occasions only for him to reject her again and again.


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