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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 54

Chapter 54

Emma thought Trevor would walk past her and enter the house, but he turned around to speak to Cyrus instead, “You can leave now.”

Cyrus nodded and handed the luggage in his hand to Trevor before taking his leave.

Hence, Emma was left with Trevor at the door. It became silent all of a sudden.

She could feel his gaze on her face. She found her courage and looked at him as she said calmly, “I got the albums. Thanks for keeping them.”

After thanking him, she said again, “I‘ll be going now.”

Then, Emma looked down again and planned to walk past Trevor to leave, but he stretched his leg to the side, blocking her path again.

She looked at him in confusion. He placed the luggage on one of the cabinets at the side before he walked closer toward her.

Emma did not expect that, so she took a step back subconsciously.

As she still had two thick albums in her arms, she lost her balance due to her carelessness and fell back into the stool behind her, which was used whenever anyone was to change their shoes at the dopr.

Trevor took this chance to lean in closer and hovered over Emma with his muscular build.

Emma had to admit that her heart would still beat wildly when she was near Trevor, looking into his eyes and having her sight filled with nothing else but his charming face. However, she would not allow herself to sink into this feeling anymore. !!

She was able to maintain her rationality because she knew better than anybody else how hard it was to love Trevor.

“Emma, you‘ve been playing hard to get for so long. This should stop now.”

Stunned, Emma asked, “What?”

Trevor‘s finger landed on her soft lips, and while he caressed her lips with his finger, he whispered, “I said you can stop playing hard to get. You‘ve been doing that ever since you came back.”

“I have to say that you‘ve succeeded. Now, I‘m interested in you, my dear ex-wife.”

Just a second ago, Emma was still in a trance because of Trevor‘s sudden gentleness


toward her. However, his words at this moment dropped on her like a bucket filled with iced water, disappointing her.

Not only did she come back to her senses, she was also trembling from anger as well.

What? I‘ve been drawing my line with him, but he thought I was playing hard to get? It seems like I’m still a scheming person to him‘even though it‘s been a year after our divorce.But what makes him so confident that I still love him and want to return to his side? How vain!

Tears were welling up in Emma‘s eyes from her aggrievance and anger, but she suppressed them from falling to protect her last bit of dignity.

Looking at how confident Trevor was, Emma only smirked. “You think I’m playing hard to get?”

“Are you not? Susanna‘s manager just released a statement. It says that both Susanna and you have feelings for a charming man respectively and that the both of you are completely straight.”

Emma was stunned and took out her phone thereafter.

The statement was trending, and she spotted it right away.

Britney‘s statement to clarify the rumor that Susanna liked women from this morning read, “The woman whom Susanna was spotted with this morning is her close friend, and they have had a close relationship since their high school days. Moreover, the two ladies each have a charming man that they like. We would like to request that the media stop making up rumors. If such actions persist, we will not hesitate to take legal action.

It turned out that Trevor‘s confidence came from this statement.

Emma was not a celebrity, so she did not care much about this matter. Also, she trusted that Britney could handle it well.

She did not expect Trevor to think she still had feelings for him because of the


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