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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 56

Chapter 56

Emma was so angry that she started to tear up,

When Adam saw her crying, he wanted to punch the assistant director again.

While crying, she tried to stop Adam. “Stop it...”

She was still rational. They caused a scene, and the restaurant‘s manager rushed over. If he continued to beat the assistant director up, it would tarnish his image.

Emma tried her best to stop Adam, who finally returned to his senses and left the assistant director alone.

The assistant director was so badly beaten that his nose turned blue and bled while his face swelled up. Joseph grabbed a packet of tissue for him to wipe his blood.

Behind Joseph, the assistant director held his nose and rebuked, “Adam! I‘m going to ruin you! Just you wait!”

“How bold of you to threaten me!” Adam said and was about to pounce at the assistant director again. Fortunately, the restaurant‘s manager stopped Adam. “Calm down. All of you calm down first!”

This restaurant was next to the film studio, so the manager knew this bunch of people. He was also a person who considered the bigger picture, so lie first closed the door to the private room to separate the people in the room from the crowd outside who were watching the scene.

“Call the cops! I want to call the cops!” the assistant director shouted angrily.

Emma panicked upon hearing that. Adam was just beginning to gain popularity as a newbie in the industry. If this became a big deal because the cops were involved, it would ruin his public image.

On the contrary, Adam was not afraid at all and he just stared at the assistant director fiercely. “I dare you to call them! You‘re a pervert who doesn‘t respect women, and I think I went too easy on you earlier.”

As he said, he moved toward the assistant director, who quickly moved behind Joseph to hide again.

Emma had already calmed down from her outburst earlier. She pulled him toward her and then asked Joseph and the assistant director, “Crystal asked you to do this?”

Before Joseph could say anything, the assistant director said again arrogantly, “Yeah! Why? Are you guys afraid now? Apologize to me now!”

Adam replied, “Dream on!”

The assistant director threatened through grilled teeth, “Adam, do you know about the relationship between Crystal and Trevor? She‘s going to marry him soon and become the head lady of the Bateson Family. Trevor‘s going to blacklist you from the industry forever!”

“Crystal simply brought the matter up to Trevor, and Emma was requested to change the script. Just think about how easy it is for Crystal to have you blacklisted in the industry with Trevor‘s help.”

In disbelief, Adam looked toward Emma. “Is what he stated true?”

He did not know that she went through the troubles of amending the script. He thought that everything was going well in her work.

Also, he never knew Trevor could be so foolish that he allowed Crystal to meddle with his work.

Emma did not reply to Adam‘s question as she did not want to say anything about that. Regardless of Trevor‘s intention in asking her to change the script, she made the changes.

Pulling Adam by his arm, Emma said, “Let‘s go.”

The assistant director opposed that. “You guys are leaving? This kid has beaten me up so badly, and you guys want to leave?”

She scoffed. “If you did not harass mc in the first place, why would you be beaten up?”

No matter what, she was on Adam‘s side even though he was wrong to beat someone else up.

Looking at how the two were protective of each other, the assistant director, whose face was half-swollen, asked, “What‘s the relationship between the both of you?”

Adam sneered. “How is it any of your business?”

The assistant director then laughed in disdain. “Emma, I didn‘t know you were capable of seducing someone. You can even get such a young boy.”


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