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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 67

Chapter 67

Susanna and Emma had treated Cerys to a meal the last time, so Cerys wanted to take them out to dinner too.

She gave Emma a call, but when the call connected, she heard the loud slamming of a door, followed by a man‘s raging screams.

Cerys got a fright and quickly checked in on Emma. “What‘s happening?”

“Nothing much. A drunkard‘s making a ruckus out in the corridor. What‘s up?” Emma replied calmly.

“Are you free tonight? I want to invite you and Susanna out to dinner–“Before Cerys could finish her sentence, she heard thundering sounds of someone kicking the door over the phone, and she was startled once again.

“I‘m afraid not, Cerys. I‘m not free today. Why don‘t we meet up some other time?” Emma‘s voice trembled slightly as she rejected the offer courteously.

“Alright, but are you sure everything‘s fine over there?” Cerys asked.

“Yeah, everything‘s fine. I‘m hanging up now,” Emma answered before ending the call.

However, just before the call dropped, Cerys could hear the sound of a man screaming again. “Emma Yates, open the door right now!”

Cerys had a gut feeling that Emma was in trouble.

She sat in her office in thought before suddenly jumping to her feet.


That man‘s voice... She suspected that it was Emma‘s older brother, Simon. Cerys knew about Emma and Trevor‘s history together, so naturally, she knew that Simon would be up to no good.

She had heard about Emma transferring all of her savings to Simon and her father, Steven Yates, before leaving the country. Emma had done so for the sake of cutting all ties with the two.

Even though Emma never mentioned it to Cerys or anyone else, Cerys could tell from the voice in that phone call that Simon was hounding Emma again.

Cerys went straight to Trevor‘s office and knocked before rushing in. “Mr. Bateson, I think Emma is in trouble.”

“Why do you say that?” Trevor took his attention off work and frowned at Cerys.

“I was giving her a call earlier and I heard someone trying to kick down her door. I think that could‘ve been... Simon Yates.”

The moment Cerys said Simon‘s name, Trevor leaped to his feet.

He knew better than everyone just how greedy, shameless, and unscrupulous Simon was. If he went looking for Emma, then it would be only for one thing–money.

With the state that Emma was in right now, there was no way she could give the man any money.

When Emma had been Mrs. Bateson, it was Trevor who had to deal with Simon and Steven‘s botromless greed.

To him, the money that he gave to that father and son duo every month was nothing more than spare change.

However, to Emma, it would be akin to a nightmare.

Hah! She got herself into this when she insisted on getting a divorce and abandoning her status as Mrs. Bateson!

That might have been what Trevor thought, but he still got his keys and said, “I‘ll go over and take a look.”

“I‘ll come with you,” Cerys said.

She was well aware of how much of a poor communicator her boss was whenever he had to talk to Emma, so she decided to follow along and smooth things over if necessary. W

By the time Trevor and Cerys arrived at Emma‘s house, they found that the police were there too. Once they got to Emma‘s doorstep, they saw two policemen restraining Simon, who was still screaming his head off, while two other policemen were talking to Emma.

There were a few neighbors from units on the same floor who came out to observe the commotion, but they were beginning to leave after being advised to by the policemen.

Trevor did not spare Simon a glance. He greeted the two policemen with a grave expression, “Hello, officers. My name is Trevor Bateson. I‘m a friend of the owner of this apartment and I came over to see what was going on.”

It would be hard to find someone in Jonestown who did not know who Trevor Bateson was, so the moment he said his name, the two policemen whipped out their smiles at once.


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