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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 72

Chapter 72

Twenty minutes later, Emma arrived at Bateson Tower with the food in hand, but she did not head up to Cerys‘ oflice as she wanted to avoid running into Trevor.

Cerys came down to the lobby instead, and Emma left as soon as she handed the food over.

The moment Cerys came walking in with the food. Cyrus‘ mouth began to water.

In a surge of uncontrollable excitement, he grabbed the cutlery and started stuffing his face while declaring, “Cerys, I‘m moving back in until Emma leaves!”

That way, he could enjoy a delicious feast every day,

Before Cerys could say anything, Trevor threw Cyrus an icy glare.

Cerys sensed Trevor‘s displeasure, so he hurriedly pushed the chicken soup over to him and said, “Mr. Bateson, I don‘t think this soup is spicy. Would you like to have some?”

The familiar scent of Emma‘s flavorful cooking wasted over to Trevor, and he felt his stomach growling in anticipation.

Emma used to prepare all kinds of soups for him, especially those that were easy on his digestion.

He used to find it insufferable, but when he realized how warming and soothing it was to drink a bowl of soup each time, he began to enjoy it a lot more, and later on, it became a habit.

In the year since the divorce, he never got to enjoy such hearly soups again. The memory of it would surface from time to time again.

Therefore, he readily accepted Cyrus‘ offer.

Cyrus was speechless. He was only trying to be polite and he fully expected Trevor 10 reject it, but as it turned out...


After noticing this, Cerys had no other choice but to pass her portion of chicken soup over to Trevor as well. In the end, the three of them were able to share the dinner that Emma had brought over.



Trevor was sorely tempted to try the other two dishes too, had it not been for his sensitive stomach.

The next day, Trevor called Arianna to join him for lunch.

After hanging up the call with Trevor, Arianna quickly gave Crystal a call. She sounded a little distraught as she asked, “Trevor asked me out to lunch today. Do you think he found out about what I did?” I

She was never close with Trevor, and with the myriad of issues she tended to stir up, she wisely kept out of Trevor‘s way to avoid getting a lecture from him.

Now that Trevor had asked her out to lunch out of the blue, her thoughts ran straight to the possibility that he found out about what she had done.

“That‘s impossible. That number you used was bought by someone else and passed through several hands before it reached your staff, right?” Crystal tried to assure her.

“Yeah,” Arianna replied. “I don‘t think he‘d be able to trace it back to me this quickly either. Why else would he invite me out to lunch then?”

“Maybe he just wants to have a meal with you. Relax, don‘t stress yourself out over it,” Crystal said. “No matter what, you‘re still his younger sister. He won‘t do anything to you.”

Arianna finally calmed down after multiple reassurances from Crystal.

That‘s right. I‘m Trevor‘s sister! Emma is nothing compared to me.

She arrived right on time at the restaurant Trevor told her, and she sat down opposite him with a tentative smile.

After sneaking a glance at his expression, she gave a small sigh of relief. He looked fairly calm.

Finally, she noticed that the table was laden with her favorite food, and she felt at ease at last.

Trevor initiated the conversation with her. “How have you been lately?”

“Same old, same old,” Arianna responded between bites.

Trevor elegantly took a few bites before asking all of a sudden, “What are your plans for your future?”


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