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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 74

Chapter 74

“Who‘s there?”

There‘s someone inside, and it sounds like Emma. Alice and Arianna smiled at each other.

Emma opened the door and was surprised to see Alice and Arianna outside, but she calmed down right away. She held her head high and asked politely, “How may I help you?”

Arianna glared at her. “Rude of you to hang up on my mom, Emma.”

Emma shot back, “Why can‘t I? You expect me to just take the bashing?”

Alice sneered, “You deserve all the bashing You tried to seduce my son!”

Emma laughed mirthlessly. She crossed her arms and shot the ladies a dark look. “Listen here, ladies. First, I‘ve never even approached Trevor after the divorce, so the seduction accusation is fake news. Two, you‘re not even my family. You have no right to yell at me, so of course I hung up.”

“You.” Alice did not expect Emma to light back so adamantly. It was unlike the old her. Enraged, she raised her hand against Emma.

However, Emma pointed her phone‘s camera at Alice before she could even land a hit. Emma took a step back and held her phone up calmly. “Mrs. Bateson, the Internet is a fun place. Slap me, and I‘ll upload the video, then badabing badaboom, your reputation is gone. Oh, and your son‘s company‘s share prices might get hit 100. Think before you slap.”

Alice pulled her hand back reluctantly. The threat worked. She never thought a weakling like Emma would pull a fast one on her.

Pushing Emma into a corner was not possible now, but retreating with her daughter was too mortifying. The rage overwhelmed her as she clutched her chest and gasped before blacking out.

“Mom? Mom!” Arianna screeched in horror. She held her mother and leaned her against the wall. Arianna kept calling her name, but Alice did not stir.

She wiped her tears away and pounced at Emma. “You b*tch! You did this to her! I–I‘ll kill you!”

Emma slapped Arianna in return and raised her voice, “Call the ambulance, or you’re only killing your own mother.”

Arianna snapped out of it and called the anbulance. She made a call to her brother

while the ambulance was on its way, and once the call connected, she screamed hysterically, “Mom‘s fainted, and it‘s all Emma‘s fault! Don‘t even try to defend her this time!”

Emina was deathly calm compared to Arianna. She had been recording all this while in case Arianna told everyone lies and ruined her réputation.

Arianna was a great liar after all.


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