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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 80

Chapter 80

Emma voiced out her question, and Susanna said bluntly, “Yep. Some people are that petty. They‘ll start to hate someone over something really trivial. Zola‘s an evil witch to begin with anyway. Wesley‘s the one who gave you the job, but I don‘t see her mocking him.” She snorted. “She‘s a loser who can‘t stand seeing someone better than her. What a joke.” Susanna continued, “Oh, you might not know this, but I heard she has a crush on Wesley. Probably why she hates you more.”

“She has a crush on Mr. Zurich?” Emma was shocked.

“Yeah. I overheard someone talking about it.” Susanna grumbled again, “She really needs to look in the mirror more. I‘d rather not talk about her looks, since look shaming doesn‘t vibe with me. But honestly, Wesley would never fall for someone so petty and vile like her.”

Susanna was not slandering her. Zola was infamous among authors and scriptwriters. She thought she was a bigshot because she authored a few popular books and had some diehard fans. She spent most of her time creating drama and slandering anyone she disliked. She was despicable. Emma knew about that, but she thought drama would not catch up to her just yet.

She could feel Zola‘s enmity ever since Eleanor picked her over Zola as her apprentice. Still, shc ignored Zola, as she only cared about her family and Trevor back then. I see I‘ve been too laidback. She said, “I‘ll have to deal with drama if I want to blend in. Skills alone won‘t get me too far.”

Susanna cheered her on. “Rise up, Emma!”

Emma burst into laughter.

Cerys woke up the next morning with a bit of a hangover. Emma made her some porridge. She took her seat at the dining table and asked stiflly, “I didn’t say anything stupid last night, did I?”

“No.” Emma smiled. “You kept yourself under control and went to sleep right away.”

“I see.” Cerys heaved a sigh of relief. She would be embarrassed if Emma found out that someone like her fell for someone out of her league. She never told anyone, since she wanted to keep it a secret. Last night, she heard that he might be getting into an arranged marriage, and her heart shattered into a million pieces. She knew she was just a lowly secretary, but the thought of hin getting inarried still broke her. I will never have a chance if he gets married. She failed to hold herself back and drank more than she should. The alcohol did not help though. She was still broken hearted after she sobered up.

Emma ladled a bowl of porridge for her, pretending she had heard nothing. “Have

some porridge. It‘ll help.” “Yeah.” Cerys held her sadness in and slurped the porridge.

Cerys went to work after breakfast. Einma cleared her table and was about to go back to work, but Wesley called her. “Emma, are you free right now?”

She asked, “What do you need?”

Wesley paused for a moment before saying, “Then come to the company. Someone‘s here for you.”


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