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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 82

Chapter 82

The question caught her by surprise, and she stopped drinking her water. She was flabbergasted, but when she met Wesley‘s loving gaze, she snapped out of it. Darn. Susanna‘s right. He does like me. She thought Susanna was just matching people up at random, but the love in Wesley‘s eyes told her otherwise. She put her glass down nervously. “Mr. Zurich, 1—”

Before she could finish, Wesley confessed, “Emma, I like you. A lot.”

Emma was shocked, and she felt like running away. It had been years since someone confessed to her. She had married Trevor after she graduated college. Aside from Susanna, she had not stayed in touch with any of her college friends. She stayed at home and kept herself isolated from the world in case she got into any scandal that would hurt the Batesons. She only felt shocked from the confession.

Wesley noticed her uneasiness, and he slowed down. “I was attracted by your writing at first, but when we started getting along, I realized that you‘re a sweet and gentle soul. I feel like protecting you. I know you don‘t want to get into a relationship now, and I was about to hold my feelings back, but what happened just now told me I should stop doing that.” He looked at her and confessed genuinely, “I want to stand by you. I want to protect you and keep you away from any harm.”

Emma had to admit that she was louched that Wesley would give her that promise when she needed it most, but it was also a sign that she had to remain rational. She knew she must not drag Wesley into this mess of hers. She shook her head. “I appreciate your feelings, Mr. Zurich, but I know you‘ll find someone better than me.” She was divorced, hence she was not worthy of him. Wesley was a perfect man, and he deserved a better woman.

He knew why she said that, and it broke his heart. “You don‘t have to degrade yourself. You‘re a great woman too. You‘re brilliant, and you‘re perfect.” He tried his best to get her to overcome her psychological barrier. “I come from a regular family. My parents are just regular people as well. You don‘t have to feel trapped if you date


That was one of Emma‘s nightmares. Alice and Arianna looked down on her, and they had turned her marriage into a living hell. She could see that he was genuine, but still, she said while looking down, “I‘m sorry, Mr. Zurich.” She fell in love before, and she knew how it felt. She did not feel that same love toward Wesley.

The light in his eyes dimmed, but then he smiled. “I knew this would happen.” Ever since she divorced last year, she had been nothing but professional. Wesley could see that she did not want to get into another relationship, so he said nothing. He would have waited for her to open up if this had not happened. He stood up. “Let‘s go. I‘ll take you home.”

Emma quickly said, “It‘s alright. I can go back on my own.”

Wesley insisted, “I can‘t let you go home alone, not in this situation. You don‘t have to feel guilty or anything.”

Emma let him take her home. The other employees were staring at her when they came out of the office. They thought she was an ingrate who refused to provide for her father.

When they walked into the elevator, Wesley said, “I‘ll explain it to everyone when I come back.” After a pause, he said, “Tell me if you need any help with this.”


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