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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 84

Chapter 84

Cerys came a moment later, after which Trevor ordered, “Take the transaction records to her.”

Trevor did not say exactly who, but Cerys knew he was talking about Emma. She was surprised. “But I thought you wanted to ignore this.” She went to see Trevor right after the video made it online and was told to ignore it, so she had no choice but to turn a blind eye.

The transaction records detailed all the money Simon and Steven had taken from Trevor. He asked Cerys to print it after Simon and Steven argued with Emma the last time. Trevor liked to prepare for any possible scenarios. Things were still in control back then, but he had already made the preparations for this. Trevor wanted to add Emma so he could send these files to her, but Emma had refused.

Trevor glared at her. “Just shut up and do your job.”

Cerys quickly obliged and left. “Yes, sir. Right away, sir.”

He regretted helping out the moment she left. Emma didn‘t even ask me to do this, so why did I help her? I swore I would never care about her unless she asked for my help. He wondered why he was doing this, but supposed he just did not want to leave a bad impression on Emma.

Emma was messaging the content creator on Twitter while Cerys was on her way home. She wanted to settle this as peacefully as she could since she did not want things to get even more out of control. Emma thought things could be a lot better for her if that creator could delete the blatantly slanderous video.

However, the content creator did not relent. He was rude, in fact. He refused to believe that she had been giving Steven money ever since a year ago. The content creator even said she had no morals at all. He swore he would spread her infamy and ruin her reputation, much to Emma‘s chagrin.

Cerys heard what happened, and she said, “He‘s paid. Nobody would go so far to slander someone they‘ve never met.”

She dealt with the court of public opinion a lot after Bateson Group Films was formed, so she knew how these paid content creators operated. Most of these verified content creators were paid to write articles and would post anything as long as there was money to be made. Ethics and morals were nonexistent for them.

“He‘s paid?” Emma asked. “So, someone paid him to do this?”

Cerys nodded. “Most probably.”

Emma frowned. “But Simon and Steven didn‘t give him any money.”

“Maybe someone‘s pulling the strings from the shadows,” Cerys suggested.

Emma had a guess about who the mastermind was. Zola. The fact that someone took the photo of her waiting for the elevator made her suspect Zola. Still, all she had was a guess. She had no evidence, so she kept it a secret. Then, she said, “You‘re back early.”

Cerys handed the file to Emma. “Mr. Bateson wants you to have this.”

Emma was surprised Trevor had something for her, but when she saw the content, she froze. She had to say that these records would help her out a lot. But why did he give me these? She was surprised he would help her out. He did step in the last time Crystal and Arianna tried to sabotage her, but she thought he only did it for himself. But he has nothing to gain this time.


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