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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 91

Chapter 91

Everyone who knew them knew Trevor disliked Emma. He never treated her well. Simon and Steven knew that too, but that did not stop them from taking money from him. They could do anything as long as Trevor was Emma‘s husband. They did not care about the fact that what they did would put Emma in a lower position in the family. They did not expect Trevor to help her out, however.

Steven‘s eyes gleamed, and he looked ahead. “Hey, just a thought, but Trevor probably thinks Emma is actually decent after they got divorced.”

Simon froze for a moment, then he burst into laughter. “Well, this is one big case of divorcee‘s remorse then.” He hated her when they were married, and now he thinks she‘s great because they‘re divorced. That‘s hilarious.

“He showed up the last time we went to see her, right?” Steven said. “And he helped her this time too. Even Raymond got involved. I think he likes Emma. At least a little.”

Simon thought Steven had a point, and he stood up with excitement. “In that case, we‘ll push her to him again like we did last time. I bel he‘ll give us a lot of money.”

Steven shot him a glare. “Are you stupid? You need to see the big picture.”

Simon quickly asked, “So what‘s the plan?”

Steven said, “If we pull the same trick again, we‘ll only get a one–time reward. We need to come up with a long–term strategy. We need to find out if Trevor really likes Emma. If that‘s the case, we‘ll try to repair our relationship with Emma. If we do that, we‘re gonna get a lot of money once they get back together.”

Simon clapped his hands. “Great idea, Dad” Emma‘s just a scriptwriter. She can‘t give us too much no matter what we try. I‘d rather rely on Trevor.

Steven said, “Call Trevor. We need to talk with him.”

Simon obliged, but Trevor called them before they could call him.

To be precise, it was Cyrus. “Mr. Bateson wants to see you tonight. Both of you. At Rosette.”

Rosette was the most famous bar Zachary had, and it was the hottest bar in Jonestown. Trevor would meet up with his friends at this bar if they had any business talks. It was called Rosette because Zachary loved to lie on a bed of roses in any industry.


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