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Please Come Back, Honey! novel Chapter 94

Chapter 94

Trevor was indeed having a meal with Crystal‘s father. They met up in a high–end. hidden Japonica restaurant. Thomas had a bit of booze, and he smiled gently at Trevor. “So, how‘s work? Busy? Crystal said it‘s been days since you guys met.” People like them loved to be reserved and talk in riddles. Thomas was unhappy with Trevor‘s poor treatment of his daughter, or he would never have asked him out for dinner. This was just a pretext to criticize Trevor.

Trevor noticed that, of course, and he hid his annoyance. “I‘m busy all the time,” he answered coolly.

Thomas put his cup down and looked at him, then said, “It‘s good that you‘re busy with work. I‘ll tell Crystal about this. Men should work on their carcers, especially men your age. You can only provide for the woman you love is you‘re successful.” Thomas sighed. “But Crystal‘s not getting any younger. She‘s my only child. I still want her to settle down soon.”

Trevor put his cutlery down and looked at Thomas.

Thomas was an important person in this city. The foreign investment bank he worked in was one of the top companies in Jonestown‘s finance industry. He was the benefactor of many industries, and he was a special man lo the Batesons. Jared‘s affair was a big one back in the day, but Thomas managed to settle it for him.

Trevor had no idea what happened. He was just about eighteen years old, and he was studying abroad. All he knew was that Jared wanted to divorce Alice so he could marry the woman whom he had an affair with. Ever since then, Jared stayed abroad and did not get the divorce, but he might as well have.

Trevor had no idea Thomas helped them out at first as Alice only told him about it after he started dating Crystal.

He never did know Crystal. He started studying abroad when he was in junior high and he only came back to take over the company whereas Crystal went overseas for college and came back after graduation. He knew her after he took over the company.

Crystal had sat beside him during a charily banquet, and the strap of her dress broke all of a sudden when everyone was going home. He had lent her his suit like a gentleman, and they hit it off since then.

He had taken Crystal to see Alice after they went steady, and Alice told her that Thomas helped them before. He did not think much about it at that time, since he liked her. It was now he realized that this favor was an important factor in his relationship with Crystal. He would cross Thomas if he refused to marry Crystal. It would be nice if Crystal did not want to marry him, but from the looks of it, Crystal

was obsessed with marrying him. Still, he had made his decision, so he said solemnly. “Mr. Sanders, with regards to marriage... I don‘t think I can raise a family with Crystal.”

“Hn? Thomas did not show any displeasure at first and instead asked in confusion. “But I thought you guys have been going steady for years, so why the sudden refusal?

He said ‘sudden, so what he was implying was clear for all to see.


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