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Please Go Away, Mr Smith! novel Chapter 71

However, Amber was trapped in Ye Se for so long, the mobile and the wallet were not here, Sean quickly thought of this point.

    A cigarette burned to the end, and Sean felt his finger was hot, and the bottom of the eye was dark and cold. He lifted his hand and put the smoke out in the ashtray, and then lit another one.

    This TINA was very weird, she was really scaring in the entertainment circle, and many people were forced to the dead end by her.

    Sean wasn't afraid of her. After all, for many years, the Smith group's status in Tong city was according to its ability, not like the famous stars of entertainment circles, relying on various anecdotes and hype.

    Moreover, on Thursday, he didn't attend the celebration banquet with Tang Tian. He was back earlier. He was at work half a day before yesterday. Later he went to the police station to pick up Cindy White... In short, it was a mess.

    Today, he had not been out yet.

    Sean changed a posture.

    After Lin Man left, in order to make Amber White disgusting, he became a playboy, and every day he was together with new stars and young models. He played for three years on these topics, and the media reporters were familiar with him for a long time.

    Even occasionally he met with the reporters, there will be someone to talk to him to discuss whether he can put a good-looking posture and show a smile.

    However, it was a rotten drama, at most, those who were boring statistics on how many stars and models he had dated with, they would tirelessly kept this heat, but in front of most people in Tong city, it should be no big problems, right?

No matter how did he think, he can't understand what kind of old story can be exposed by TINA.

    Sitting in front of the computer, Sean took a deep sip of smoke, and the white mist slowly spit out from the mouth. The nose smudged a layer of rich tobacco smell and instantly paralyzed the man's nerves.

    He sneered, and the coldness between the eyebrows turned into a sly, which was hidden slowly in his brow, it's silent.

    This queen of mudslinging, was she going to be crazy because she wanted to be famous?

    She still wanted to expose him again, this time Manman was not there, he was very curious that how can TINA stir up his life.

    After all, this was the first time TINA had nominated a person twice on Weibo. Will this person think that through a few news that she can make the Smith group collapse overnight?

    The light in the room was dim, the curtains were closed, and a few sneers fell on the man's face.

    She was just deliberately mystifying!


    After Amber took Cindy out of the Hai Wan Xiang Xie, the emotions in her heart had not been able to be suppressed.

    The sun outside was very big, even if it was still in the morning, it was too hot!

    Amber had not eaten for a long time, and her heart was sullen, and she was dizzy when she went out.

Amber compressed the lips and took Cindy along a wide road toward the shaded place.

    Hai Wan Xiang Xie was a single-family villa in the suburbs. After Amber came out, she remembered that it was so remote, there must be no taxi!

    Moreover, her mobile and wallet were not here...

    Amber took a deep breath and looked at Cindy's red face which because of the hot weather. She felt a little regret in her heart, but when she thought of the attitude of Sean Smith, the woman compressed her lips again.

Chapter 71: Mom, Have You Also Fought With Others 1

Chapter 71: Mom, Have You Also Fought With Others 2


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