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Pleasuring the Maid novel Chapter 27

***Ava's POV

Ava what's wrong? ' Ray's dad asked.

'Huh? ' I didn't have a clue on what he was talking about at all.

'Honey you're limping, did you hurt yourself? ' Renata pointed out.

'Uuum yeah, I fell on the bed, oh no-not the bed so-sorry, I uuh I hit the dresser. ' I fumbled around with words.

'We noticed yesterday before dinner that you were walking lamely. ' Reynard added.

I was becoming really nervous, had they figured what happened between the three of us?

Oh my goddess, I was so dead. They couldn't have known that my ass and pussy were sore. Hell I couldn't even pee without hissing.

The amazing bliss I had felt in their sons arms was inexplicable. Just the mere thought of my body sandwiched between their muscled ones had me forgetting about the matter at hand.

I remembered how our sweaty bodies moved fluidly over one another. The way our profiles rubbed and tangoed in synchronization. I could still feel their balls drawing tight as their shafts twitched while emptying their milky cum inside my gaping holes.

'She hit her leg pretty bad, but I applied some rob on the spot. ' Bryson jumped in. Snapping me out of my naughty thoughts.

'Are you sure you're okay though? ' Renata insisted.

'You zoned out their a bit, and you look like you're struggling with something. ' Reynard drilled.

'If only you knew how horny I am right now. ' I mumbled inaudibly the last part, but from the chuckle Ray made. I knew he had heard me.

'What was that honey? ' Renata asked yet again.

'Mum stop drilling Ava with questions. She is okay, I can assure you that. So please drop it. ' Bry came to my aid.

'I knew you cared for Ava Bry, even you Ray. We see the way you look at her. ' Reynard was rarely home, how did he see all these?

'Ava, we had told the boys to stay away from you, but now all I can say is that you need them as much as they need you. Given the closeness I've noticed between the three of you, they must have told you what happened to Bry. '

I confirmed her words by nodding. 'They must trust you to tell you that, all I can ask is for you to be there for them, please take care of my boys Ava. We trust you. ' They trusted me? but why? I didn't get it.

'And you, she turned to her boys, pointing at them. You don't want to know what will happen if you hurt my daughter. ' Wow, she really did act like my mum.

In fact those were the same words she had used on Nate. odd, I thought. How could two different people use the same words on the same person?

She reminded me of how mum had threatened Nate even after he assured her that we weren't dating.

'Ray and Bry. ' Their dad called onto them.

'You asked if we could allow you to drop our surname. ' Reynard got their attention.

'The paper work has already been started. It will take a few days cause you're adults. ' He paused.

'But we want you to promise us that you'll never forget who raised you. ' He spoke.


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