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Pleasuring the Maid novel Chapter 31


I had suddenly become mute, my mind refused to process the possibility of what the brothers were insinuating.

But how could it be possible, mum had given birth to me at the age of 18. Renata was older, I mean Ray and Bryson were older than me.

My late mum and Renata couldn't be the same person, for all I know the mask didn't prove a thing.

It looked so real, a human face, even the texture was all that of a human. You could obviously not tell if a person were to wear it. I wonder how much that thing cost.

'No, it's impossible Ray. Mum gave birth to me at 18, can't you see that it simply is unrealistic? ' I was trying to make them see what I was seeing.

'You can't prove that what she said is the truth. ' Ray countered.

'Guys, I have an idea. I think it might clear all these doubts. ' Bryson suggested.

'Anything to make this right. ' Ray answered.

'Ava did your mum keep your photos from when you were an infant? ' Bryson asked.

'Yes she did, I have the album in my suitcase back at your place. '

'Perfect, let me go get it. ' Bry stood, making his way to the door.

'Wait Bryson, what are you trying to achieve by this? and can't we just go together? ' Ray wanted to know what exactly Bryson was up to.

'Wait here, I'll be back before you know it that is if you have no problem with me going through your stuff. '

'No,you're not going. ' That was stated with finality, Ray was leaving no room for any argument whatsoever.

'I'll go, stay here with Ava. You need more time together, plus you wouldn't know how to lie to mum and dad if you accidentally bumped into them. '

'Speaking of those two, I'm sure mum has called Ava. She obviously worried about her, don't you think? '

Oh my goddess, I didn't even bother checking my phone for any missed calls.

'No, you are not ready. You'll speak to her once we prove all this. ' Bryson stated.

'Good, make sure she stays away from her phone bro. Anything you want me to bring for you Ava? ' Ray turned to me, waiting for my response.

'No, be safe Ray. ' I gave him one quick kiss before ushering him out of the door.

It was just the two of us, sitting comfortably in silence. I took the time to really study Bryson's features, I wanted to get my mind of the big elephant.

'You are staring Ava. ' His deep voice filled the much quiet hotel room.

'You know I've grown up questioning my appearance and looks. There are times I thought there was a possibility that Ray and I aren't really blood brothers.

He scooted closer to me on the bed.


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