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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 130

Though Grandpa George was old, his voice was full of power, which made them all silent at once.

Anna sat beside Grandpa George and tried to comfort him, “It’s enough! Grandpa just woke up from a coma. He hasn’t recovered yet. How can you argue and make such a noise here? Do you want him to suffer again?”

Yolanda didn’t give up and said, “Grandpa, don’t you believe me? She did the bad thing to you and now she wants to get away with it!”

“I put the medicine into her handbag! So stop now!” George gave her a sharp stare and spoke out loudly.

Yolanda was shocked by his words, “How could you defend her like that, Grandpa?!”

Elena was shocked, too. She didn’t expect that Grandpa George would help her in this way.

Grandpa George snorted, “Do you have any question? I put it in her bag on purpose for fun. She didn’t know about it at all. I never expect I nearly killed myself because of the joke.”

“Grandpa…” Yolanda knew what happened exactly because she did it. Before she could say anything, Grandpa George sighed, “I am tired. You should go home now. I can’t breathe with all of you around in the room!”

Yolanda thought her plan was so perfect. But she didn’t expect that Grandpa George defended Elena at all cost. Though he could see the evidence, he still chose to take her side!

Yolanda felt so wronged. She was the younger daughter in the Browns, but she was not loved this much! And Grandpa George wouldn’t give her anything. However, Elena just married Logan and she stole all the love and care!

Yolanda couldn’t say a word against Grandpa, but she couldn’t help feeling peeved. Cornel pulled her up and said, “Yolanda, let’s go home. We can visit Grandpa tomorrow. “

“Okay.” She lowered her head, squeezing the bottle tightly.

“Wait a minute.” Grandpa George said. He looked around and found Elena and Logan, “You two stay here then. We will have a conversation.”

Elena and Logan were surprised. They looked at each other and decided to stay here as he asked.

So now only three were in the ward.

Grandpa George took off the oxygen mask and sat up. Elena quickly took a pillow and put it behind his back. Looking at his pale face, she couldn’t help asking, “Grandpa, I know you didn’t put the medicine into my bag. Why do you take the blame on yourself?”

She wasn’t a fool. Grandpa George was defending her.

Grandpa George didn’t answer her question, but he turned to Logan, and quipped, “If I don’t do that, Logan won’t let it go, either.”

Logan said in a cold tone, “I am sure you know what you are doing.”

“Yes…” He sighed, holding Logan’s hand and said, “You are clever. You must know who did this to me. Yolanda went too far today.”

“Went too far? She nearly killed you!” Logan retorted. He couldn’t understand his tolerance towards her.

George shook his head, “Logan, let it go. I am fine.”

Elena had guessed Yolanda did this from their conversation. So she blurted it out, “Did Yolanda really do this to you?”

“Or who do you think has the motive to kick you out?” Logan said, “You are always clever. Why can’t you see the truth this time?”

Elena was shocked by the truth, “Though I know she set me up, I never expect that she would do this horrible thing to Grandpa! He is our Grandpa!”


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