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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 217

Anna was so angry and threw everything she could get in her house. Mrs. Lee didn’t know what happened to her, she hugged her, trying to comfort her daughter.

Anna cried, “Mom, I don’t want to live!”

“Oh, no, sweetie! What’s the matter?”

“Zach is humiliating me again and again! I’ve moved on from the breakup. I don’t care if he has a new girlfriend or a mistress! But he met me again to humiliate me! How can I stand it!”

Mrs. Lee felt miserable for what happened to Anna. The anger and hatred filled her up.

She meant good to offer a chance to Zach to be Anna’s boyfriend. However, he didn’t cherish the opportunity with gratitude but broke up with Anna!

After they broke up, Anna became depressed, staying at home all the time. Though she went outside for a while, she came back, still looking gloomy.

“Anna, don’t worry. Anyway, I will always be with you.”

“Mom, please…please help me!”

Anna grabbed her arms, begging desperately, hoping that her mother could fix it up for her.

Mrs. Lee couldn’t refuse her, though she didn’t know how to help her daughter. She agreed, “Oh, don’t worry, my sweetie. I won’t let you down.”

Anna nodded, hugging her so tightly, “Thank you, mom. I know you will help me. You are the best mother in the world.”

Her remarks were the sweetest gift for Mrs. Lee. She was moved, smiling happily, “My good girl.”

While Anna didn’t look up, still hugging her and smirking.

The next day, Mrs. Lee went to Sophia as Zach was not at home. Sophia was shocked by her sudden visit. She asked, “Who are you?”

But Mrs. Lee didn’t answer, pushing her away rudely and walking into the house without an invitation. Then she seated herself on the couch, looking up at Sophia, “You are Zach’s mistress? I can’t believe that Zach broke up with Anna for such a sleazy woman like you.”

Sophia balled up her hands, “Who are you? It’s a private place. You are not allowed in without permission!”

“Shut your fuck up! You don't deserve to speak to me!” Mrs. Lee stared at her.

Sophia’s shoulders were trembling in fury.

Looking at her angry face, Mrs. Lee snorted, “What? Are you angry?”

“I don’t care what you want. But I will call the security to escort you out if you try to cause trouble!” Sophia said in a low but determined voice.

“What?! How dare you!” Mrs. Lee screamed, standing up abruptly.

Sophia moved several steps back subconsciously in fear. But she gathered her courage, “Mrs. Lee. Please leave now. You are not welcome here.”

“You bitch!” Mrs. Lee raised her hand to slap her, but Sophia just stopped her by catching her hand in the air. She looked sullen, “I am sorry for this. But you came here and are making trouble deliberately. You'd better leave now. Or I will kick you out!”

Mrs. Lee felt humiliated, “You have quite a temper! Great. I just wait and see how you kick me out!”


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