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Presiden's wild wife novel Chapter 34

Jeremy watched Elena being carried away with an indescribable feeling in his heart, and for a moment he wondered why Elena crossed his mind first when he heard that Emma was going to marry Logan.

And then the only thought he had when he arrived at Bush's house in a hurry was also that if Emma and he were together, Elena could stay with Logan happily...

"Logan, we don't know what's wrong with Elena. She has been in her room and hasn't said a word." Mason wiped his sweaty forehead with a nervous frown on his face.

Logan didn't say a word, like he didn't hear it.

Emma sneered and burrowed into Jeremy's arms again. Logan was rich and so what? When his wife was sick, he couldn’t do anything but to ask his assistant to carry her to the hospital.

Logan’s driver arrived quickly and put him in the car. In the meanwhile, Logan didn’t say a word to Mason, which made his face red with anger.

Elena got acute gastroenteritis which was probably caused by seafood in the company canteen. And after rushing to Bush's house, she suddenly get abdominal pain and was sent to the hospital with a bloodless face!

She was much better after the injection, and when she woke up in a daze, Logan was sitting at her side and watching her.

"Logan?" She tried to call him in her slightly hoarse voice.

A glass of water was handed over just in time to wet her throat and make her feel better, "Thanks."

He responded with his deep eyes fixed on her when confirming, "You're divorcing me?"

Elena froze and remembered that Mason had contacted the Brown family to negotiate the divorce. She was in cold sweat all of a sudden, "Did my dad say that? Do you agree?"

The low voice was like a muffled thunder, "I..."

Logan's eyes were even darker as Elena bit her lower lip and shook her head, "It's not me. It's Dad who thinks our marriage is a mistake from the beginning and wants to rectify that by letting you marry Emma."

"Don't you agree?" He asked.

This nonsense question made her more and more puzzled. She was unable to understand what he meant, and stammered, "Are you thinking of divorcing? Or is it ..."


His answer surprisingly relieved her, and a broad smile spread across her face immediately.

The next second, she was in his warm arms tightly and he could never get enough of her scent, "Elena, I'm warning you, no matter what the hell happens, I will never allow you to agree on this divorce thing! You're mine and mine only and always! No one can take you away, not even god!"

Elena blinked and her heart was inexplicably beating fast.

"Did you hear that?"

Without her responding, his voice came from overhead and took on a tinge of displeasure.

Elena was quickly nodding her head repeatedly, "Got it. Got it!"

She was his, huh? The words she heard kept swirling around in her mind. She couldn’t help peeking him.

Suddenly, he seemed to have detected her gaze. His cold eyes were fixed on her face, which frightened her a lot. She explained quickly, "I swear I didn't know about today's incident. Dad shut me up and took my phone at that time ... ah, yes, my phone!"

Without finishing her speaking, she suddenly recalled that her phone had been taken away long ago. What should she do if someone contacted her!

Logan laughed out slightly at her anxious look and took out her phone and handed it to her, "Mason had someone send it over."

Elena took the phone in silence. At this moment, she was thinking maybe Mason would come and visit her? But the next second, she felt her thought was absurd. Mason was willing to visit her? How could that be!


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