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President’s Twins: Buy One, Get One Free novel Chapter 363

Rita paused, and then gave Kevin an inquiry look.

“I always got a feeling that Edison will agree to divorce with you that easily. I hope I am just being paranoid.” Kevin explained.

“I trust him.” Rita said with a smile.

It was then the car came to pick up Rita. Kevin opened the door for her.

“Alright then, get in. Be luck with you.”

Rita smiled back, “Thanks.”

Edison had been waiting for Rita for a while when she arrived at the French restaurant. Edison beckoned her when he caught sight of her.

Rita moved forward, sat down in front of Edison. They caught up for a while before they got into the main subject.

“We are going to submit our divorce petition tomorrow. This might be the last meal we have together as husband and wife.” Edison started.

“What? Are you sad about that?” Rita asked.

“Kind of.” He admitted. “But the divorce, it has to be done.”

“We’ll still be eating together, as friends. No worries.” Rita said, smiling.

“That’s true. Hope you won’t forget me.”

“I won’t, for a certainty.”

Brooding, Edison then added.

“Audition for the divorce lasts six months as the petition is submitted. If things go well, you need to be at the court by then.”


That was a pleasant meal. Nothing was worth a whit of doubt.

Kevin was overthinking, Rita thought.

She trusted Edison.

They went to submit the petition at the notary office. After it was done, Rita went back to the country by a plane.

She could be married to Joseph half a year later should thing go smoothly.

Joseph the Busy Bee came to the airport to pick up Rita himself when she landed.

She had a special feeling that she found no word to describe when she saw Joseph. That feeling urged her to run to Joseph, to the warmth of his embrace.

Joseph was surprised by her reaction, but he relished the intimacy with her.

“What?” affectionately, he hugged her, his hand stroking her head gently.

“Nothing. Just feel like it has been a long time. I miss you so much.” Rita muttered.

“I miss you too.”

Joseph drove Rita back home.

The kids came hopping and jumping out of their room when they saw Rita’s back.

And all of a sudden, Joseph said to Noah solemnly. “Noah, call Rita mom.”

Chapter 363 The End 1

Chapter 363 The End 2


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