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Prince Reagan novel Chapter 6

A Kiss Will Do

The sound of someone persistently banging their fist on

the door makes me flip my eyes open, startled. I feel hot all

over like I’m in hell with an arm wrapped possessively over

my waist. The exasperated sigh of a man is heard in my ear

before the arm leaves my waist, and the hot body separates

from me. I hear the sound of hard footsteps stomping on the

floor before the door being banged on is forcefully pulled


“What?” Reagan grows at the disrupter of his and my sleep while I sit up on the bed, I had been hoping this all to be some kind of bad dream that my mind had conjured, but

it seems I’m not waking up from it.

“We heard the happy news!” I hear a feminine voice

squeal outside, almost makine me cover my ears as i cringe.

“Let me see her. Oh, please, oh, pleasel Just to say hi. I


I can see Reagan blocking the girl’s for from coming in

or seeing past him. He doesn’t open the door wide and uses

his body to cover the its frame.

Sunlight peeks into our room behind the dark curtains,

and I’m still left dazed at how large the windows are

The room looks even more beautiful in the daylight, and

I cant wait to see how the sitting room lacksnow.

“No.” He growis only that word before slamming the

door shut and clicking the lock. He pivots on his feet to walk

back towards the bed when his eyes lock with mine.

“Okay, I’ll see her at breakfast.” A voice sounds behind

the door, but Reagan ignores it as he walks closer to the bed.

His eyes are fixed on me as I grip the bedsheet tighter to my

chest, unconsciously moving back against the headboard.

He takes quick long strides and soon crawls into the bed

to lean over my small frame, both his hands in fists beside

my hips, digging into the bed.

He buries his face into my neck, breathing in my scent,

and my skin tingles where his light stubbles grazes.

Even though he just woke up, he still looks damn sexy

while I probably look like a trainwreck. He smells heavenly

too, and I can’t resist the urge to breathe in,

I hear a deep growl rumble from his chest before he

moves back to stare down at me.

“Good morning.” His voice has a rough and deep

baritone to it, and I can see his beast peeking through his

eyes atrrie as they turned a bright golden color. I blush at the

intensity of his eyes before looking down to pick at the grey


“Morning.” I mutter back.

I realize then I’m still in his shirt, and it had rid up to

show my panties. I quickly pull it down, hoping he hadn’t

seen them as my blush brightens.

“Look at me.” I hear him order softly with a whisper, and

Toblige almost immediately. His head slowly leans down

towards mine, and I panicked when I see that he’s aiming for

my lips.

“I have classes.” I quickly say placing both my hands on

his chest to stop him. He goes rigid under my palm, and I

think I saw him shiver a bit, making me retract them. As I do,

he moves back a bit but not leaving much space between us.

“So?” He asks with his head c***d at me.

“So…I have to get ready and go.”

A shadow falls over his face at my statement, and he

abruptly stands and walks to his walk-in closet. He comes

back out seconds later, already dressed in a pair of sweat

pants and a top, leaving me stunned at how quick he was.

“No.” He finally answers, deadpanned.

I’m tongue-tied for a few seconds before finding my


“But I need to go. It’s just my first year and…”

“Iyid no.” He cuts me off and my anger suddenly

begins to rise at his abruptness,

I stand to glare at him, “You can’t control me. I had a life

you know? Before you came and started to disrupt the

whole thing”

He narrows his eyes at me in warning, but i stand tall

and stare back at him.

“I can and will control you if you keep on acting sa

“I can and will control you if you keep on acting sa

rudely. And as much as your leisty attitude is a huge turn on,

I would advise you don’t piss off my beast, or you won’t like the outcome.” His arms are folded across his chest as he

stands tall over me, showing his dominance.

I hold my tongue then, remembering he’s a Prince that I

had to show utmost respect to.

He relaxes then, his eyes softening and holding a

sudden playfulness to it.

“If you must attend these classes, then I’ll need

insurance.” He suddenly announces, taking me by surprise.

“Insurance?” I ask with a confused expression. He smiles

back instantly, but it’s unsettling as it holds a hidden

meaning to it.

“Yes, I need to be sure you’ll come back here.

Something to keep me relaxed while you’re gone.”

i’m still confused with my eyebrows furrowed, my lips


What does he want?

“A kiss will do.” He says with a sly grin all across his face.

Both my eyes widen in horror at his request, and I

stae per hack a bit.

“I’m not kissing you.” I quickly say:

Heshrugs, “Works for me. More time to spend with

I’ve never kissed anyone before, neither do I know how

  1. to. And I doubt I’ll be able to. But if I don’t, I’ll be locked up in

here and won’t be able to make it to school. I’m not stupid

enough to run away so soon without a plan.

He’ll be able to track me down and have other

werewolves in the city also look for me.

And even if I get to leave the city or even the country,

other werewolves there will be notified. And I will be on the

run for the rest of my life. Well, until he eventually finds me,

which he will. He’s a Prince. He has influences on all

werewolves round the world. And I’m just an unlucky

she-wolf who always gets herself into bad situations.

So for now, any little opportunity I can get to leave here,

even if it’s just a little while, I need to take it. Besides, kissing

him shouldn’t be that hard.

He’s hot and very attractive, and people kiss strangers

every day. This shouldn’t be so hard.


I sigh heavily before taking little steps up to him.

His eyes light up as he watches me move closer to him,

and he expectantly looks at me as I stop in front of him.

Mustering up as much courage as I could, I get up to my

tipy-toes and fold my hand in his shirt to bring him closer to

  1. me. He follows, suddenly having a serious expression in his

I pucker my lips and lay a light peck on his lips before

moving back and dropping down to my feet.

He c**is an eyebrow down at me, unamused, “That’s

it?” He blinks, “I didn’t ask for a peck, but a real kiss that

would leave both of us breathless.”

I stare away, embarrassed my cheeks turning pink, and

my fingers fiddling with one another.

“I don’t know how,” I mutter, but I know he heard me.

“What do you mean by you don’t know how?” I stare

back at him to see a frown on his face.

“L.I don’t know how to kiss because I haven’t kissed

anyone before, okay?” I suddenly blurt out, tired of the

situation I was put in.

I don’t stare at him, not wanting to see the disgusted

look on his face as he finds out i’m a virgin in every aspect.

The same look every guy gives when a girl is inexperienced. Maybe that’s why Brad had chosen Stacy over me. I had seen

her with lots of boys before he asked her out.

Tired of the silence, I look back up to see not a

disgusted look, but a happy grin on his face.

Reagan suddenly wraps his arm around my waist then

to bring me closer to him, and I’m left stunned by his

actions. His face leans closer to mine, our lips almost

touching as he whispens;

“Good. Now I don’t have to worry about killing another

male who had ever touche vou.” And then his softly

lacked with mine.

I’m frozen as his lips brush over mine smoothly, coaxing

me to reciprocate as his hand comes up to caress my chin.

My Eyes on their own accord begin to flutter close, and I let

out a gasp as delicious sparks of electricity course through

my whole body. He tilts his head to his side, deepening the

kiss, and I begin to move my lips with his. My lips part in

another gasp, and his tongue takes the opportunity to slide

between them.

lips once more. This time, it’s harder and more possessive,

Chapter 6 1

bedroom door open before twisting the doorknob so I could peek outside. However, I’m met with a Lycan Prince, looking down at me with a straight face. His eyes rake down my form


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