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Protect Me Alpha King novel Chapter 12

I inhaled sharply and turned around. King Maxxwell was up, his eyes darting all around.

"River," he uttered again. This time with urgency.

"Your Highness!" I exclaimed as my heart hammered against my chest. Did he find what I just did? Did he realize it was I who healed him?

Relax, River. It is too soon to panic.

He heaved himself out of the body. He moaned. Because of the pain from his side? But I healed him.

I rushed to his side, and snaked my arms around his waist, helping him stand on his feet.

Ugh. Too heavy. He looked like a giant compared to me.

"Why did I suddenly feel light?" he asked with a confused look on his face.

I chuckled nervously.

"Perhaps...the pack doctor did an amazing job of healing you, Your Highness. That's why you feel that way."

He observed himself and without further ado, yanked the medical gauze out from his body.

Looking downward, I stared at his left side...

Both of us looked at his wound. Just as I expected. The only thing that was left was the long scar.

I smiled inwardly and patted myself for doing a great job.

"It's healed?"

"The pack doctor is the best, Your Highness. I suggest you raise his rank."

He threw the cloth to the floor.

"How did you know the pack doctor tended me when during that time, you fainted, River?"

I shifted the weight to the other side of my foot. Damn. I should be careful with my words now.

"It's merely my guess, Your Highness. It is a tradition in my pack that if someone was injured, we would always call the pack doctor."

"That's the first thing to do. Actually."

His eyes squinted, not really believing my statement even if I was telling the truth. No one knew I could heal. If Alpha Erik knew about it, he would use me and force me to heal our packmates who were on the verge of dying. I was not saying I did not want to save them. I just did not want to be taken advantage of.

King Maxxwell released a sigh. "You have a point."

I beamed at him.

"Where will you go now, Your Highness?" I asked, changing the topic of our conversation. The more I lie, the more I will be caught.

"Bring me my clothes. I will attend a meeting with my council."

Ow. That would be great. Then, I will have the chance of roaming around the palace. I vow to start a new life and never allowed anyone to trample me. And the first thing I would do was to gain the servant's affection. And if I succeed in that, they will defend me.

I clenched my fist.

My lips pressed into a thin line. I will rise to the top so that they will look at me and respect me.

"What are you thinking, River? And where are my clothes?"

I jumped at his voice and realized I was still in front of him. Not moving. "Oh! Forgive me, Your Highness. I will look for your clothes."

I did not know where he put his clothes. This was my first time in this room. Left with no choice, I opened every door I saw, scampered, and went to his cabinet and was welcomed and overwhelmed with his expensive suits, vests, t-shirts, and everything I could think of. My eyes widened as I felt the softness of each fabric. There were also military clothes and crowns safely hidden inside.


"Hurry up! What are you even doing there?" King Maxxwell's roared.

"Right away, Your Highness!" I grabbed whatever thing my hand could grasp and rushed towards his side.

Breathing heavily, I offered the clothes to him. One long navy blue jacket and the same color of trouser.

"Here it is, Your Highness. Sorry for the long wait."

He glared at me.

"Your mind is always elsewhere, River. Do you want to return to Alpha Erik?"

I stepped back, waving my hand like crazy. "No, no, Your Highness. I don't want to return to Haverstone Pack. I want it here."

"Is that true or are you merely letting me hear what I wanted to hear?"

"It is what my heart desires, Your Highness. Nothing else. I want to serve you because I believe I can do well with you."

"I will watch for that. Put the clothes on my body."


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