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Protect Me Alpha King novel Chapter 25


That name again. Why did I always hear that name from his mouth? What was the two’s relationship? Did they have some sort of forbidden romance and the alpha king’s people were against it?

I wanted to know more about them. If only the people’s lips were not sealed, then gathering information about their relationships was easy as pie.

If only I could ask him about that...that would be magnificent. However, knowing the alpha king, he never wanted any slave to pry on his life. That was unacceptable and we did not have the right as slaves.

“I’m not Zenith, Your Majesty. My name is River. But if you want to call me by that name, you can call me that. Or do you want me to call her?” I asked, feigning ignorance about Zenith.

His vision cleared, recognition in his eyes, and his mouth pressed into a thin line. “River. It is you.” Disappointment crossed his handsome face before he hid it away.

Not wanting to be affected by his reaction, I beamed at him. “None other than your personal slave, Your Majesty. May I know who is that girl named Zenith—”

He stood, not wanting to continue hearing my words, bubbles hiding his manhood (to my relief), and stepped out of the tub.

He never wanted to talk about that woman. Why?

“Where are my clothes?” he asked, instead, not acknowledging my questions. “I’m starting to feel cold.”

If that’s what he wanted, to pretend I did not ask about that woman, it would be better if I let it go, but I will know more about that woman. Sooner.

“Careful, Your Majesty, or you will slip,” I said and looked for his clothes, found them, and gave them to him, careful not to see the lower part of his body. “I’m not fast enough to catch your fall.”

He grabbed the towel and clothes from my hands. Forcefully.

He dried his hair and wrapped the towel around his tiny waistline. He passed beside me and walked towards his bedroom. I thought he would sleep after he took his bath, but he went to the balcony and looked at the windows while I stayed still, waiting for his orders.

He was looking at the moon and silently praised its beauty. We were like that, silent, but when I could no longer tolerate the silence, I asked, “Do you usually sleep during your bath, Your Majesty?” And why did you call me Zenith? Did you think it was me? I asked in my mind.

“You’re unusually...chatty, River,” he commented, leaning on the wood, not bothering to glance in my direction. “It’s getting on my nerves.”

I bit the inside of my cheeks, drawing blood.

“Out of habit, Your Majesty.”

I shifted on my feet, unsure if I will tell him my life story for him to know me better since he will be my master. And if he realized I trust him, perhaps he will be moved.

“I am always chatty, Your Majesty. It’s just that back in my pack, no one wants to listen to me and wants me to become a mute who will only listen to them. Who will only nod.”

That was also one of the reasons why they called me Dog Slave, saying I always bark at the wrong tree. They said they were irritated by my voice.

“I do not need your words now. I want to enjoy my peace after dealing with this tiring day.”

Glaring at his backside, I asked, “What happened to the rogue, Your Majesty, if I may ask?”

He clenched his fist, his nails digging into the wooden balcony. “Crushed. Punished. Killed. Buried. Never in the history of my kingdom did the rogues succeed in taking over control of this place.”

The rogue with whom I shared a cell flashed in my memory. Nobody. Was he included in the pile of dead bodies? Why did I feel sorry for him when we barely even know each other?

Not wanting to let it affect me, I said instead, “You’re a powerful one, Your Majesty. You can do anything as well as crush anyone.”

He looked at me over his shoulder. “You know how to use your words to let me hear anything I want, River. Are they even true? They are fancy in my ears. My other slaves usually do that.”

My heart jumped at his declaration. Did he already have an inkling that I was only getting his affection?

I chuckled, nervously and hugged my body using both arms. The cold air attacked me and I had the urge to leave him and stay in my bed.

Gaining anyone's affection was difficult as it seemed. I did not usually want anyone’s attention. Instead, I preferred hiding in the safety of my room, to avoid getting bullied. My packmates never even bothered to talk to me nor spare me their glances. Not even Alpha Erik.

"I am just trying to comfort you, Your Majesty," I uttered in almost a whisper, making my head fall and looking at the floor. "This day has been tiring for all of us because of the enemy's infiltration." I pretended to sniff due to the sudden attack of emotions while looking at him behind my eyelashes.

Damn it.

My acting was a failure. He was no longer looking at me but at the moon again.

I scoffed. I will succeed. One day. Not now. But sooner. I promised.

"Call my other slave, River."

"What slave?"

"I need someone to warm my bed."

My eyes went round. Did he want some sex? Why did it make my heart feel like it was being crushed into a million pieces? Whatever the alpha king wanted to do in his extra time had nothing to do with me, right?



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